Page 40 of B Positive

Sunny shot up, snatching her tablet back. “Does the king know?”

I shrugged, baffled by the sudden change in her mood. “What’s going on, Sun?”

“Does the king know?” she repeated, voice going a little screechy.

“I don’t know. BDD might have told him. I haven’t.”

Sunny fished out a phone from some miraculously hidden dress pocket and placed a call. “Rory, did you tell the king who Eden’s maker is?”

A perk of vamp life is always hearing the other side of the conversation no matter how low the volume is on the phone.

“No, I didn’t mention it. Why?”

“Say nothing about it until he’s back in the compound. Clear?”


She ended the call and tucked the phone back in her dress, then tapped away at the tablet some more.

“Uh, Sunny. You want to tell me what that was all about?”

“I…” She pulled her bottom lip between her teeth. “Eden, I need to talk to the king first. Please, don’t make me tell you.”

That hurt. A lot. “I didn’t mean to, Sunny,” I whispered. “It only happened because I didn’t know it was happening.”

“Of course.” She continued whatever it was she did on the tablet for a few minutes before returning her attention to me. “In the meantime, we can go over the plan for stealing Titus’s—”

“I told you, I’m not going anywhere near the man who killed my maker, Sunny.”

“Right.” She thought for a moment before reseating herself and motioning for me to join her. “Well, would you be opposed to working as a consultant of sorts? I can run our plans by you, and you can amend or correct anything you see fit.”

I gave her a single head bob.

“Good. So, we’re trying to take his scepter.”


She nodded and showed me an image of the scepter in question.

“Huh, it kind of looks like a fancy cane.”

“It basically is. And it’s the symbol of his family’s right to rule. But if we can get it back to the compound, we’ll have proven he’s fallible and therefore incapable of holding the kingship.”

“Uh, of course he’s fallible. King or not, Titus isn’t a god.”

Sunny gazed at me, a beam of sunlight catching her coppery strands and turning them to fire. “Titus absolutely believes in his divine right to rule. He’s the last holdover from a time when all aristocracy thought they ruled because God deemed it so.”

Oh shit.This king really was crazy-cakes.

“Does Julian have a similar item? Something that proves he has the right to be king?”

“He does, but King Julian doesn’t believe the object grants him the right.”

Well, that was good news. “What’s the object?”

Without hesitating or taking her eyes off her screen, she answered. “The Tzarina’s Diamond.”

My pulse bounced in my neck as a sick feeling twisted my stomach. “You mean to tell me I stole Julian’s literal family heirloom, and he just let me walk out of the compound with it next to my cooch?”