Page 30 of B Positive

Why was I here? It definitely wasn’t to get eye fucked and groan like I’d never had my hair pulled before. I spun around, locking him in my sights. “My friend’s attack wasn’t accidental,” I sniped, ice in my veins and voice. “He said it was a message from King Titus.”

Julian froze.

It was only for the briefest moment, less than a second. But those words, that king’s name, had provoked fear.

In Julian.


We were fucked.

He shook it off and was all cool calculation and composure once again, standing so straight even his suit jacket fell neater around his frame. “What was the message?”

“He said time was up and war begins now.”


Julian’s fangsdescended as he let out a ferocious growl.

Survival instinct had me scampering away, putting three sofas and two area rugs between us.

Not that I blamed him.

No one fucked with King Titus.

The king across the river. I’d only heard stories, and even those were light on the details. But all made one thing clear.

Never go into his territory. Not if you wanted to keep your life.

That one I’d learned the hard way.

A tall redhead in a designer dress and a killer pair of Prada heels sashayed into the great room, tapping on a tablet. “You bellowed, sir?”

I glanced from her to Julian, stifling a gasp as I caught sight of his still-lengthening fangs. They were the longest I’d ever seen, curving out of his mouth and over his bottom lip. “Uh, what’s with King Sabertooth?” I asked.

The redhead tore her gaze from the tablet, meeting my eyes. “You must be Eden.”

“I don’t know, must I?”

She sniffed, looking down her nose at me, making me regret my jeans and tank yet again. “Hmm. Well, come along. The king needs to take care of some things.” She beckoned me to follow, but I stayed put. “Come on,” she repeated.

I stole a quick glance at Julian, but he’d already headed for the front door.

“You’re not going outside in that state, are you?” I squawked. King Saber Cat didn’t seem like he was big on controlling certain vampish urges. I knew firsthand how difficult losing control was. Not the actual loss of control. That was bliss. Getting high on blood was the best high I’d ever had. I’d lost all sense of myself, every worry or care replaced by rapturous, velvet blood coating my mouth. My being.

But coming back from that? Dealing with the aftermath? Living with how easily I’d disregarded human life?

I wouldn’t wish that on anyone.

Not even Julian.

He spun around, glaring with full dark vamp eyes.

“Come on, Eden.” The redhead was now at my back, hands on my shoulders, trying to move me away. “The king needs to work off some steam.”

“On humans?” I slung the accusation at him like a weapon, but it had no effect.

Julian stalked closer, and my muscles screamed for me to run away. To blur the fuck out of dodge and never look back. And maybe I would have.