Page 94 of B Positive

“Want me to show ’em who’s boss?” I asked jokingly.

“If only. I’ve got it, I just don’t like it,” she said and polished off the rest of her takeout curry.

We chatted a little while longer before Sunny scooped everything up and headed back upstairs to handle the caterers.

The afternoon was a slog.

Even the time spent working with B seemed to pass painfully slow.

At least he said I was progressing nicely.

And, back to the safes.

I hated safes. They were the bane of my existence. Safes could suck a dick for all I cared.

But eventually I found a groove and soon enough my buzzing pocket had me shooting out of the basement and to my room for a shower.

I checked the message halfway up the metal stairs.

As much as I’d like a repeat of last night, I think it’s safer if we skip tonight’s rendezvous. I can’t promise to keep my hands off you and I won’t risk our bond. Not when we’ve come so close, Eden. I hope you understand.

The metal railing bent beneath my fingers as I bellowed my frustration to the drop ceiling.

And when did you come to this decision?I jabbed out the message, shocked I didn’t break the screen when I hit send.

That’s not important.

It absolutely is! If you decided it this morning, I would have adjusted my expectations for the day. But telling me moments before we’re supposed to meet is the same as leaving me sitting alone in a restaurant.


I see your point. I apologize. I’ll adjust my behavior in the future.

I chucked my phone at the basement door.

Then I ran up the rest of the steps to make sure I hadn’t actually broken it and tucked it in my pocket. The heavy-duty case was earning its keep lately.

Looked like it was safe-town for Eden for the foreseeable future.

* * *


One day until the incursion.

I checked my phone. Nine a.m., and no messages from anyone. Not even Jaxson.

I needed to call him.

I also needed to talk to Julian about whether Jaxson was going to come to the incursion or not.

But first things first. Morning routine, and then breakfast with Sunny.

“He was really upset that he messed up last night,” Sunny said as she sat next to me and handed me a Starbys cup.

I closed my eyes, and took a breath. “I don’t want to talk about that or him, Sunny.”

“Got it. How are you doing with the safes?”