Page 86 of B Positive

I sighed against his wrist as drank my fill and sealed the wound. “I’m glad you think so,” I said and ripped my shirt off.

Julian’s eyes went full dark. “Eden, you know we can’t until—”

“I know. But that doesn’t mean we can’t have some fun.”


In a blur,Julian swept everything off the table and had me laid across it like Thanksgiving dinner.

He tugged at my legs until my hips were at the edge of the table. Apparently, I was about to be dessert.

My body hummed with need, desire, anticipating everything he was about to do to me.

And the cloak?

Who the hell knows when that disappeared? But it was long gone and that served as a reminder to my hormone-addled brain.

A reminder that was more frustrating than anything since Julian was slowly inching my pants off me. I didn’t want to spoil the mood. But I also had to know.

“You know how you can hear my dirty thoughts sometimes?”

He pressed a kiss into my thigh. “Mmm, all the time. I could hear your thoughts as you pleasured yourself last night.”

Oof.I hadn’t considered that when I envisioned him fingering me to a shuddering orgasm.

“Well, I hope you enjoyed the show.”

He nuzzled into my upper thigh, nipping lightly at the skin. “Indeed I did. I enjoy every naughty thought you have. Especially the surprising ones.”

I sat up on my elbows. “Surprising ones? What surprising ones?” I asked, unsure if I truly wanted an answer.

Julian smiled against my leg before meeting my eyes. “You enjoy when I’m rough. When I tell you what to do. And you really like calling me names in your head. You enjoy it enough that I can hear it, at least.” He finished the sentiment with a long lick up the inside of my thigh.

Yup. I should have listened to myself because I definitely did not want to know any of that. Move it along. “Anyway, the reason I brought up the subject is because I’m curious why I can never hear your thoughts.”

Julian’s tongue stopped trailing up my leg and he met my gaze. “I wasn’t aware you couldn’t.”

“So you aren’t intentionally cloaking your thoughts to keep me in the dark about things you don’t think I can handle yet?”

Julian let out a long sigh. “I have no doubt you can handle any and every dirty secret our kind can throw your way, Eden. It was never about me shielding you from reality. But you admitted yourself you weren’t keen on the vampire life in the beginning. I was genuinely afraid if you learned too much too soon, you’d leave and never look back.”

I stared into his clearing gaze and took him at his word.

“Yeah, I probably would have.”

“Please don’t hold my actions against me, Eden. Anything I kept from you I did so to preserve our bond and keep you safe. You don’t know how rare a mate bond like ours is, and I only wanted to protect it. To give it the best chance of surviving.”

I nodded, understanding his viewpoint. “No more secrets from now on, all right? No more hiding things.”

Julian gave me a quick nod before returning his attention to my thighs again.

He gave them both a kiss before honing in on what he was really after, and hooked his fingers into my underwear to slide them off my body.

“Should we, I don’t know put a towel down or something?” I asked, suddenly all too aware that we ate there.

Julian’s returning smile could only be classified as devious. “I don’t plan on letting even one drop of you spill, Eden.”

I groaned and laid back on the table, propping an arm under my head so I could watch the gorgeous vampire king treat me like a four-course dinner.