Page 39 of B Positive

I stomped to her and snatched the thing from her lap. “No. Don’t look to your tablet for the approved explanation. I don’t care about what Julian wants me to know. Tell me truly what it means, Sunny.”

A weird humming filled my body. Not like the sexy kind that happened around Julian. This was more like raw power coursing through me. It filled me so completely, it eventually spread beyond my body and into the room.

Sunny’s gaze immediately fell to her lap.

“Of course, Eden. Being mated to someone is a bit like human marriage and soul mates got together and made a baby with a perfect success rate and guaranteed healthy offspring. Everything about a mated pair is designed to last. They complement each other. They’re equal in power, but where one might lack, the other shines.”

Equal in everything? Even power? I cupped a hand over my mouth. “I’m not going to get those awful saber cat teeth, am I?”

Sunny glanced up at me. “That’s what you took from it?”


“No, Eden. If you don’t already have elongated fangs, you will not develop them.”

I nodded and took another few laps around the room before coming back with my next question. “Before he left, Julian said being his mate would save me. What did that mean?”

Her gaze lasered in on the tablet I still had tucked under my arms, before retreating to her lap once more.

“Real answer, Sunny. Not the party line.”

“King Titus can tell who is a born vampire and who is made. But your mate bond with the king will mask the scent that all turned vampires have. He’ll be so distracted by your co-mingled fragrance, he won’t notice.”

“You’re speaking as though I have plans to meet the man. He killed my maker. I’m willing to help, Sunny but I’m not going anywhere near that crazy-cakes king.”

“Okay,” Sunny said without looking up.

Good. Glad that was settled. I did another two laps around the room and came back to stand in front of Sunny who was still staring directly into her lap.

“What’s with you?”

“You’ve filled the room with your dominance. But I can answer your questions just fine like this. Promise.”


Was that…the humming?

I sucked it all back toward me, whatever “it” was, and sat next to Sunny. “Oh God, I’m so sorry. I didn’t mean to do that. I didn’t even know I was doing anything.”

She let out a long sigh. “It’s all right, Eden. How could you know?”

“Jul—the king said something about being able to hold his stare and use his first name because we were mates. Is this”—I gestured broadly to the room—“part of that?”

She nodded. “It’s also why you push each other’s buttons. You’re his equal. His match in power, strength, and dominance apparently.”

I took in her words and the longer I let them settle in me, the deeper an old wound in my heart ached.


“She would have known. She would have been able to tell me what to do. How to handle this.”

“Your maker?” Sunny asked quietly.

I nodded. “Odette would have known what to do with all of this,” I whispered.

Sunny’s head jerked up. “Your maker was Odette Laurent?”

I nodded. “Yes. Did you know her?”