Page 34 of B Positive

“Tell me she’s not in there with that—”

My half-asleep mind assimilated BDD’s voice into the dream I was having about the original BDD, and I snuggled deeper into Jax’s chest.

Thud thud thud. CRACK! Eden, are you all right?

Yeah, BDD, I’m fine. Have you met Tyler? I feel like you two would get along.

“What the fuck are you doing with —”

I shot up out of Jaxson’s arms, brain finally waking fully and giving me correct information. “What the fuck are you doing busting down my door, Rory?”

He paused, as if not processing his given name coming from my mouth. “The boss sent me. But the second I smelled this dog in your apartment I—”

“Hey, now. Let’s not get all name-call-y,” Jaxson said smoothly as he got off the bed and squared up to BDD. “I wouldn’t call you a sucker-head. Maybe don’t go throwing around slurs, yeah?” Jax stepped right up to BDD’s chest and stared up at him.

BDD ignored him, speaking to me over his head. “Eden, why were you in bed with a wolf? It’s like you know exactly what’s going to make you-know-who mad.”

“What are you talking about? Since when do I care about making Julian mad? And why do you keep calling my friend a dog?”

Jax spun around, his shocked expression identical to BDD’s. “Jesus, Eeds, you really don’t know?”

“Eden, step away from the—” Jaxson gave BBD a withering glare. “Uh, from him.”

I did the exact opposite, stepping toward my friend. “What the fuck is going on?” I reached for him, and he tucked me under his arm instinctively.

“All this time? How did you not know?” he mumbled into my hair.

“Know what?”

He sighed and pulled away to look me in the eye, his amber gaze saddened, heavy. “I’m a wolf shifter, Eeds.”

“Yeah, and she’s the vampire king’s mate, so get your hairy paws off her.”


Both of themjust stood there, staring at me as I stumbled backward out of Jaxson’s arms. And I stared right back at them, pain slashed across my face and empty hollowness pressing against my heart.

How could he have kept that from me?

Since when were wolf shifters a thing?

And how could he have kept that from me!? Not that I had much room to talk. I hadn’t exactly been forthcoming about my blood-drinking status.

But it was literally against the law.

I stared at Jaxson. “How could you not tell me?” My words came out choked, hollow.

“Babe, I swear I thought you knew. You’re a vampire, for Christ’s sake. I figured you knew the second you got the first whiff.”

I shook my head, backing away as Jaxson stepped closer. He was trying to comfort me, but my world was turning itself inside out. “You knew what I was this whole time?”

“Well, yeah, Eden. You smell like all vamps do.”

I’d always thought Jax smelled nice and woodsy. Nicer than a normal human. But I didn’t know that meant he was a fucking wolf.

Jaxson put his hands up. “I’m sorry, Eden. I thought we had an understanding. I thought we were both playing ‘don’t ask, don’t tell.’”

I flopped onto the edge of the bed, head spinning, pulse hammering in my neck like a tiny kick drum. “I didn’t know it was a thing at all,” I whispered.