Page 29 of B Positive

“A coworker’s boyfriend is in a coma because of an ‘animal attack.’ I went down to see what he knew and I might have healed his wounds.”

Julian threw a glance behind him.

“On it, sir,” BDD said from somewhere in the depths of the great room.

“As far as problems go, love—”

“I told you not to call me that. And if you’d let me finish…”

“My apologies. By all means, Ms. Vaughn.”

I rolled my eyes. “Eden is fine, jackass.”

The king’s gaze narrowed to slits, and time stopped. He stalked over to me, slow and methodical and all I could do was watch it happen, watch as his hazel eyes went full dark.

A tiny gasp left me as my muscles refused to move.

Predator to predator, the most powerful one always won.

And I was totally okay with him winning whatever this was.

He was on me, pressing me against the far wall with the entire length of his hard, magnificent body. His fingers traced up my neck, around my ear and into my hairline, drawing tingles and shivers from me before he grabbed a fistful of hair and pulled it savagely to the left.

A mortifying sound came from my lips. Like the bastard child of a grunt, groan, and moan, and I had no power to stop it.

He buried his nose in my neck, drawing in a deep breath before hissing in my ear, “I’ve let your flippant tone go because of the sheer amusement it brought me. But you will give me the respect I’m due. Is that clear, Eden?”

He rumbled my name and my body sang beneath his, curving around every inch of his hard, perfect form.

His gaze found mine, locking me in place as a wild hunger ran free behind his eyes.

And that hunger, the undiluted need he let shine through his eyes, pissed me the fuck off. I pushed against his chest, hard. As hard as I could, but Julian didn’t move.

“Why fight the inevitable, Eden?” His silky voice twisted around me, binding me to him.

I brought a knee up to his groin. Not hard. I just rested it there, allowing it to do the talking for me. “It’s not nice using magnetism to have your way with women, Julian. In fact, it’s pretty fucking creepy.”

The king backed away, confusion, then anger clearing the desire from his gaze. “When have you ever known vampire magnetism to work on other vampires?”

That was a good question. “I—well, I guess I haven’t, but what else could it be?”

“Who turned you, Eden?”

God, this again? “Did it ever occur to you that maybe the reason I don’t answer the question you’ve asked meseveraltimes is that it’s painful and I don’t enjoy thinking about it? Did that ever cross your mind, or is your big kingly head too full of plans to use people like pawns to get what you want?”

He smirked at me. “We’re the same, Eden. We both use the resources at our disposal to set up our next moves. I simply have more resources.”

And just like that, every physical response my body had to him switched off. Shut down, like my lady garden locked the gate and put up a Closed for Business sign. “We are not the same, you jerk!”

He crossed his arms and glared at me. “Do you truly think that?”

I took a breath, trying to even out the boiling rage this stupid, gorgeous, infuriating king provoked by even suggesting we were similar.

Get yourself together, Eden. This is not why you’re here.

It became my mantra as I stormed away and paced the great room.

I took a few laps, ignoring the king’s stare on me, and pulled my shit together.