Page 21 of B Positive


The king was the biggest fat cat in Laurel Cove. Which meant I kind of had an obligation to take his money, right?

I held my head high, pretending like I got offers like that all the time and that he hadn’t just proposed paying me an insane amount of money as I walked out of the great hall on bare feet, a two-day-old cocktail dress, and a diamond almost in my cooch. “Fine. But I’m keeping the diamond,” I agreed over my shoulder.

The king shrugged. “You earned it,” his lips said, but I could have sworn his gaze said something else entirely.

I made my way back to my goodie bag, thanked every god that ever existed that my phone still had enough juice to let me order an Uber, found my Jimmy Choos, and headed out to wait for my ride in front of the compound.

I hardly ever spent money on rides and that dirt-poor girl that lived in the back of my mind scolded me for doing so even with a cooch diamond and the promise of a ten million dollar payday as reassurance. But, since there was no way I was walking through midtown in the midday sun on an empty stomach, that irrational voice eventually piped the hell down. As much as I didn’t always like spending money, I liked the idea of making a random human on the street a meal even less.

I had to get some food and blood, pronto.

Humans had gotten a lot right about vampires, but they’d gotten a lot wrong, too. Why would we not want to eat? Food was delicious. And who the hell came up with that garlic nonsense? The sun thing was probably the biggest surprise. It had been such a relief learning that while we were creatures of the night, the sun didn’t actually hurt us.


I steeled myself against the king’s effect on me as I turned to meet him. “Here. It’s been far too long since you’ve eaten.” He held out a paper lunch bag and a reusable Starbucks cup. One of the black limited-edition Halloween ones.Score!

I took the cup and bag from him. “And whose fault is that?” I asked sweetly before taking a long pull on the straw. My eyes rolled all the way back to my brain as thick, sweet blood filled my mouth.

That was another thing I thought would take some getting used to that actually hadn’t. I had no problem acclimating to the taste of blood. The closest thing I could compare it to was like a good, spicy dessert port, but that sometimes depended on the person.

Vegans kind of had a grassy undertone. Fast-food addicts had a fattier mouth-feel. And gym rats addicted to protein powder and kale had a chalky taste, as if their blood had taken on too much of their protein powder.

My favorite was the conscientious omnivores. People who didn’t restrict themselves too harshly and ate a diverse diet.

The blood in this cup? Top fucking tier. I had to keep myself from sucking it all down then and there.

“Fuck, this blood is maybe the best I’ve ever had. Thank you,” I said earnestly.

There it was again. That light in the king’s eyes. “You’re quite welcome, Eden,” he said with a hint of rasp.


“I’m keeping the cup.” I shouted as he strode back to his compound.

He only nodded. “I’ll be in contact about the job soon,” he said smoothly just as my Uber pulled up.

Despite wanting to tear into the roast beef sandwich on a fresh baguette with mustard and pickles and a touch of dill, all of which I could smell through the paper bag, I was polite and didn’t eat in the Uber guy’s car.

I waited until I was back in my apartment, Choos propped up on the table, vibing in my own space before taking that first bite. I moaned as it hit my tongue.

Because eating as a vampire was on a whole different level. Food was now a full sensory experience.

For instance, the mustard in my sandwich was bumpy and sour and perfectly tart and the dill was prickly and fresh and briny. And meat? Oooooh, meat had to be ethically raised and slaughtered, or I could tell. That part I didn’t like so much. It kept me mostly vegetarian, honestly. But of course, the vampire king of Laurel Cove had plenty of access to well-loved, grass-fed, free-roaming cows.

I took another huge bite and mused over where the king kept his happy cows. Maybe he had a deal with a cattle farmer on the outskirts of the city. Or maybe he knew all the ethical farmers and ranchers, and maybe I could ask him which had contracts at local grocers.

Nope. Not happening. Delete those thoughts. We are not thinking up more ways to talk to King fucking Julian. No matter how good his meat is.

I jammed another bite in my mouth, and a moment later my door slammed open, startling me from my food reverie.

“Hooker, you better have a good-ass reason you haven’t bothered to show up for a day and a half.”

Jaxson stood in the doorway, pissed but somehow making today’s highlighter-yellow wig and teal winged liner look like couture. He crossed his arms over his chest and set his jaw before taking in my appearance.

“Oh shit, you’re still in your party dress. Tell me all about it! God, I haven’t been to a party that good since…” He hoisted himself up and sat on the counter that was my dining table. “Since forever,” he finished wistfully, before grabbing my wrist. “You have to tell me everything. Consider it your penance for worrying me to death.” Jaxson reached for my Starbucks cup.