I wiggled the handle.

“Someone’s in here.” That was Gretch.

Acid churned in my gut as I pushed open the door.

When I saw Easton, pants around his ankles, dick buried inside Gretch, my cheeks flamed and my blood turned to ice.

They looked at me with shocked expressions that probably matched my own.

Nigel made a noise that was almost a growl, and the sound reset my brain. I nudged him away gently, backed out of the room, turned on my toe, and stalked toward the wedding hall.

“Megan, wait.” Easton’s call came from behind me, breathless and panicked.

I kept walking. If I stopped, if I paused for any reason, I’d think. That was the worst thing I could do right now, because I already knew what I needed to do, and I wouldn’t let me dissuade myself with thoughts of how stupid I was about to look.

“Megan, please. It’s not what it looks like.” Easton’s voice was closer now.

I didn’t care.

Carly and Sonya stepped into the hallway at an intersection ahead. “Oh, you found h—” Carly snapped her jaw shut.

I brushed past her without a word.

“Stop right now, Megan Marie Hammond. I am talking to you.” Easton’s voice had gone to demanding.

I almost faltered, but he could go demand that Gretch suck his cock. See how she liked it.

“We need to talk about this like reasonable adults.” His words hit my back. “You’re being childish.” His fingers brushed my arm, then fell away just as quickly.

Was I?

“Don’t touch her.”

I glanced back to see Nigel had pinned Easton to the wall.

No. I wasn’t the one who was being immature. All my life I’d done what I was supposed to. I wasn’t the smartest child in the family or the most creative, but I was the best behaved. I didn’t make waves. I made sure people were happy. I didn’t disrupt the status quo.

That wasn’t childish, it was kind.

And Easton was a fuckwit for taking advantage of that.

There was the main hall. I strode through the doors, not caring that they slammed open too hard. Every head in the room turned to watch me stalk down the aisle. The organist started, got in a few notes, and stopped again, a few times, before stopping completely.

I hitched my skirt up enough to not trip on the hem as I climbed the steps to stand next to the altar. All around me, people were murmuring.

“Guests. Loved ones. Everyone in attendance today. I’m sorry to announce—no, actually, I’m not really sorry, it was kind of inevitable—“ I wouldn’t ramble. I’d make this short and quick, like ripping off a band aid. “There won’t be a wedding today.”

I thought I might puke when I said the words, but instead, a wave of relief washed over me.

The muttering in the room grew louder.Please don’t let them hate me for this.

“Don’t do this, Megan,” Easton called from the back of the room.

Carly joined me next to the altar. “Hey,” she screamed. “The lady is talking.”

The entire room went silent.

“As I was saying,” I took a deep breath, “I know you all set aside time in your day for this, and I’m sorry to have wasted it. If you have concerns, you can take them up with my ex-fiancé, who is a cheating asshole, or with the wedding planner who seems to have no comprehension of what that title entails.”