The wedding passed in a daze for me. A warm, fuzzy, glorious daze. With Nigel’s words playing on a wonderful repeat in my mind while Megan and I exchanged vows, the entire event was more than what one hopes for from a once-in-a-lifetime experience.
After losing Brian, years ago, I never thought I’d have this. But what I felt for the two people beside me at the podium made my heart swell and threaten to burst.
It wasn’t only them, though. It was everyone who surrounded us. The life Nigel and Megan had introduced me to. The people. The sense of family.
When the ceremony was over, we were swarmed by handshakes and hugs and shouts ofcongratulations. I had no idea how long it took us to make it from the house to the limo waiting out front, but I was pretty sure the sun moved across the sky in the process.
It wasn’t until Dustin’s sharp whistle—a sound I’d learned to recognize from work—that Quentin and Link were able to form enough of a wall to let us get into the car.
We waved to the small group as the driver took us away. Megan collapsed back into a seat with a laugh, her face flushed and her smile permanently affixed.
Nigel looked uncharacteristically the same, and I probably did as well.
“We were supposed to change at the house.” Megan pointed out.
I shrugged. “We ran out of time.” All our luggage was already in the car. We were on our way to the airport, to catch a plane to Seattle, where a boat would take us on a tour around Alaska. “Which is a shame, because I was looking forward to recreating the last time I saw you in a wedding dress.”
Megan’s blush deepened.
“Which part?” Nigel asked. “The manhandling her, the spanking, or the intense fucking?”
“All of the above.” I teased a finger under a shoulder strap, loving the feeling of her soft skin against my rough touch.
Nigel clucked. “See, I’m not good with that.”
“No?” I was surprised.
“No. Because I didn’t get to touch her that day.”
Megan pointed at him. “Your choice.Youmade that decision.”
“But I’m better now.” With the sly statement, Nigel slipped her other strap down, and kissed her exposed shoulder.
The huff Megan let out was exaggerated and ultra cute. “You’re both insatiable. Honestly. I don’t know what to do with you.”
“Sounds like a request for a hands-on demonstration.” I slipped my free hand under her skirt, and slid it up her thigh.
“Not what I meant.” Despite the words, Megan didn’t push either of us away. “This ride will only take fifteen minutes, we don’t have time for much.” She sounded disappointed.
Nigel kissed her on the cheek. “We have time to change in the car.”
“Not the way you do,” Megan said.
Sometimes life called for compromise, as much as it sucked. But we had five days ahead of us on a boat, for fucking. “We’ll make it work. Probably. We might have to ask them to hold the plane, though.”
By the time the limo pulled up at the airport, we’d managed to get most of our clothes back on. I tipped the driver to thank him for his patience, and a dropped in some extra money to make sure our wedding clothes—especially Megan’s dress—made it back to Jeremy’s safely.
It felt good to be able to pick up a bill that way.
In fact, everything about this was incredible—but more than all of the rest of it put together, spending any time with the woman and man I loved blew the rest of it out of the water. I could say without any doubt, and would to anyone who asked, that Megan and Nigel were the best things to ever happen to me.
* * *
“Hey.” Nigel’s soft voice wove into my sleep and tugged me toward consciousness.
I wasn’t surprised to see him and Landon by the bed, in our room on the ship. It took me a while to get used to them both being insomniacs, but they calmed each other. They were good with each other, not just with me, and I loved that. “What’s up?” My question came out groggy.