But before it started, I had unfinished business with Landon. Fortunately, it wasn’t bad luck for me to see him in his tux before the wedding. I didn’t have to say anything as I had him join me in a quiet corner of the house.

It was typical for Landon and me to communicate without words, though over the last few months, we’d shared a lot of secrets, too. Exposed more than just tattoos and physical scars to each other. Today though, what I needed to say wasn’t sad.

Standing in the corner, toe-to-toe with Landon, gazing into his eyes and him staring back with nothing but adoration, I didn’t know where to start. He and I had talked about falling for each other. It was obvious he held a place in my heart.

But I’d never saidthat.

Nothing like diving right in. “I know that today—the ceremony—is about our commitment to Megan.” I’d talked about the proposal with Landon, planned intently, before we both got down on one knee for her. We agreed she deserved that moment, after the last two disappointments. “But before we go out there…”

“Which may happen before you finish your thought, at this rate,” Landon teased.

I rolled my eyes, but laughed. “It might. Do you want to say something instead?”

“I do. But if I let you fumble your way through it first, I don’t have to.”

I sighed. “I should’ve rehearsed this, but I wanted it to be natural.” I held up a finger before he could interrupt again and derail my thoughts. “I never thought I’d love someone as much as I love Megan. It didn’t seem possible for my heart to even contain what I feel for her, but you…” That was it, I was out of flowery words. “You do. I love you, and I’m so fucking glad you’re a part of us. I wouldn’t be complete—wewouldn’t—without you.”

Wowthat felt good. Incredible. “Yup. That’s what I wanted to say. I love you. So much sometimes I don’t believe it. You’re family. You’re ours. Yeah.”

Landon’s smile warmed me to my toes. “I’m definitely glad I let you go first. See how well that worked out for me?”


“I love you too. Your prickly bits. Your rough bits. Even your soft bits.” He cupped my face between his hands and crushed our mouths together.

I kissed back with all the intensity I could muster. This still stole my breath after all this time—his mouth on mine. His taste. His scent. His nearness.

It was the perfect complement to what I felt for Megan.

“Grooms.” Carly’s shout reached us. “Oh. Do you need a few minutes?” She stopped a few feet back from our no-longer-secluded corner.

I shook my head. “We’re good.”

“Good. I don’t want to have to threaten you on Megan’s behalf, but I will.”

I held up my hands in surrender. “We’re coming.”

“I don’t want to know that.” Carly winked. “In the back yard,now.”

Landon grabbed my hand, and we headed out to the arch in the back yard.

Landon’s friend Roman was already waiting behind the pulpit. He’d agreed to performing the ceremony. It didn’t matter that this wasn’t legally binding; only the promise between all of us mattered.

The organ music started, and the back doors opened. Sonya, Jeremy, and Quentin—best maid of honor and best men ever—walked down the aisle, and joined us up front.

Then Megan stepped through, on her father’s arm. It didn’t matter though, all I saw was her. Her sleeveless dress was held up with thin straps, leading to a fitted, gauzy bodice, and a skirt that flowed out behind her.

She’d been working on the dress for weeks, making us stay out of her sewing room. She looked gorgeous, but I wouldn’t be the one to tell her it didn’t matter how good the dress looked, only that she was the one wearing it.

In fact, very little else mattered about today except that she was ours. For a lifetime. For eternity. This was the bond we were meant to have together.

A year ago, I would’ve said I’d found my family and that was all I needed, but today, I knew this was the missing piece. With friends from work here, with our closest friends with us at the front of it all, and with the man I loved beside me, and the woman I loved walking toward us.

This was the best moment of my entire life—the kind of thing I used to wonder if I deserved—and it would only get more incredible from here.

* * *
