“Absolutely. Without question. Yes. Hell yes. Is that enough of an acceptance for you?”

Elliot laughed. “That’ll work. When can you start?”

“Tomorrow,” I joked. “But seriously, whenever you’re ready for me, I’m available.”

“Great. Be here tomorrow morning, then.”

I said my goodbyes, and disconnected. Disbelief coursed through me as I handed Nigel back his phone. Not just because of the job, but Megan. Nigel. This perfect triangle of everything that I was never letting go. Not again. Not without a fight. I couldn’t believe—

Megan draped her arms around my neck and kissed me hard. “Congratulations.”

I hadn’t lost them though. They were both here, and our futures—all three of us—spanned out in front of us in the best possible way.



The three of us agreed that we didn’t want to spend the night apart, but that staying at Nigel’s house would be more comfortable. It also put Landon closer to work for his new job in the morning.

I hated to be away from either of them right now, but I could do it long enough to drive back to Nigel’s. The three of us formed a mini-parade and headed to our new destination. I lost them after we got off the freeway, when I made it through a light and they had to stop. But we all knew where we were going, so I didn’t wait.

When I got to Nigel’s, Easton was parked out front. What the fuck?

It was tempting to park a few houses away. To wait until the guys got here. But that fucker needed to stop stalking me and leave me alone.

So I pulled into Nigel’s driveway. Easton scowled when he saw me, and was already at my car when I climbed out.

“I was coming over here to ask him how to find you, but of course you’re here.” Easton sounded disgusted. How dare he?

I could ask him why he was here instead of Carly’s or Jeremy’s, but for all I knew, we’d been together for as long as we had, and he’d never bothered to memorize where my family lived. “The only reason you keep tracking me down is so you can get your inheritance back.” Would that throw him off?

“How did you— It doesn’t matter, because you belong with me,” Easton said. “I don’t care that you were fucking him then, and I don’t ca—”

“For the last time, I wasn’t.” I was so sick of this. Had talking to him always been like talking to a brick wall? Yes, but in the past I splatted against that barricade rather than trying to punch through it. “Nigel and I werenevertogether while you and I were.Never. Go. Away. Leave me alone andnevertalk to me again.” I couldn’t make my desires clearer.

While I was talking, Nigel arrived.

Easton either didn’t notice, or didn’t care. “I just need you to hear me out, please.”

“She told you to leave.” Nigel stood a few feet behind him. “If you can’t listen to her here, how’s she supposed to expect you to hear anything she says?”

“This isn’t about you.” Easton didn’t turn around.

I disagreed. “It’s very much about him.”

“She knows what she’s talking about.” Nigel presenting a united front with me was so different from what I was used to. It was incredible.

Easton finally looked at him. “Are you going to cut me again if I don’t listen?”

“Oh, you have no idea what I want to do to you.” Nigel’s chuckle was all threat and zero humor. “But I guarantee it’s illegal in most states, and you’re not worth surrendering my freedom for.”

When Landon parked behind me in the driveway, Easton growled. “Are you kidding me? Are you forming a harem?” He gave me an accusing glare.

Such bullshit. “One, men and women can be friends without it turning into sex.” I still stood by that statement, regardless of how this had turned out. “Two, it’s none of your business, but three, I might be and you’ll never be a part of it.”

“Two minutes. That’s all I need of your time.” Good ol’ Easton—if one approach didn’t work, he’d try another. I assumed that either threats or belittling came next.

I was ready for either. “Do you know whatnomeans?No. Go. Away.”