No answer. His truck wasn’t here either. Why did I assume he’d be home? If I called to ask when he’d get back, would he pick up? If I waited, would he call the cops when he arrived? Would the neighbors before then?

I was saved from having to answer any of those questions when he pulled up in his truck. He looked surprised when he climbed out. “Nigel?”

All my words had been used up with Megan. Should I wait for her? I couldn’t. Not for everything. “We need to talk.”

“We don’t.” Landon brushed past me, stepped into his place, and tried to close the door.

I wedged it open with my foot. “You turned down the job.”


“You told us that was your dream job, and I promise you it’s everything you want it to be. Why did you turn it down?”

The pressure on my foot eased up and Landon slumped some of his weight against the door frame. “Why did you and she have to…” He sighed.

I wanted to push into the house, but I could wait. “Megan would make you finish that thought. That’s one of her things now.”

“But you won’t.”

“Eventually I will.” I could work with one thing at a time.

He crossed his arms. “Why are you here? Because of the job?”

“No. But yes. But no.”

“Thanks for clearing that up.”

He wasn’t the only one who didn’t want to delve into their thoughts. I wasn’t used to this feelings thing. Especially not saying them out loud. “I’m here because…”sigh.

“Not so easy, is it?”

“Fucking hell.” I chuckled tightly. “I’m here because when Elliot said you turned him down, I realized…” I needed to put this differently. “I don’t like anyone. I don’t trustanyone.”

“Megan,” Landon said. “Jeremy, probably.”

“Okay, two people.” I didn’t feel like he’d disproven my point. “Out of the entire world. But now, it’s three. This last week wasn’t just about Megan’s list, or watching how incredibly hot it is watching the two of you fuck. It was…” Words were Jeremy’s specialty. I could make that excuse all day, but it wouldn’t stop me from needing to do this.

Megan’s car passed behind Landon on the main road. She’d be here in a minute or two.

Landon raised his brows, but didn’t fill in for my incomplete sentence.

“I’m falling for you.”Wow, thatfelt good. “Megan knows. She’s not going anywhere, just so you know, but don’t cut yourself out of our lives. This isn’t two people wanting an extra body for occasional fun. You’re part of us. Take the job. And give us a chance too.”

Landon raked his fingers through his hair and opened the door wider. “When Megan was getting married, how did you make yourself show up?”

“Because I didn’t have a choice.” This answer came easily because it was a question I’d asked myself dozens of times leading up to that day. “Because she let me in her life, and I couldn’t not be there for the highlights. It didn’t matter who she was with.” I heard her car pull up behind me, and the door opened. The way Landon’s gaze strayed, he saw her behind me.

“I’m not that guy,” he said, looking at her as much as me. “I can’t watch the two of you together.”

“You don’t have to. That’s my point. I’m not asking you to watch us be in love while you sit on the sidelines. I’m asking you to be a part of it.” I didn’t know what else to say to make my feelings clear. “Fuck this.” I gripped his face between my hands and kissed him.

His lips were stone against mine, and my heart sank.

And then he pressed back, hard and furious, with an intensity that ignited my soul. This wasn’t like the kiss we’d shared at Megan’s. This wasn’t a contest. It was heat and fire and desire. It was becoming one.

When we broke apart, it was more of a river parting, than a hard snap.

“What will the neighbors think?” Megan asked, her voice light.