Xander did it every day—he looked at a man he couldn’t tell the world he loved. But they got to be together behind closed doors.

Nigel had been willing to do it twice—stay friends with Megan while she married other men.

“I’m sorry.” The words burned flowing past my lips, but I couldn’t take them back. “I can’t take the job, but I’m honored you offered.”

“You haven’t even heard the offer,” Elliot said.

This was my chance to change my mind. “It doesn’t matter. Thank you for calling, though. I know you’ll find the right person for the position.” I wasn’t as good a man as Nigel. I couldn’t do it. I couldn’t face them day after day.

I saidgoodbye, probably talking over Elliot, my mind was too jumbled and noisy to be certain, and I hung up.



Igot to go home to Megan, and the knowledge was both strange and exciting. The giddy feeling inside was tempered by the fact that it would only be the two of us. I was willing to admit I already missed Landon. It took me most of the day to get to that point, but here I was.

While I was wrapping up my work, to head out for the evening, Elliot stopped by my office again.

“Quick heads-up. Your guy turned down the job,” he said.

What? No.

Sure, there were times when people didn’t take an offer, even here. They didn’t click with us or they felt a vibe they didn’t like or they realized they were more bothered by the work they did than they thought.

But that wasn’t the case here. I didn’t have to ask Landon to know that was true. “Don’t write him off. Let me talk to him.”

Elliot shrugged. “I asked if I could change his mind. He told meno.”

“Give me until tomorrow.” My mind raced. This was about more than the job, and I couldn’t let Landon pass up this opportunity.

“No one else is waiting in the wings. Do what you need to do.” Elliot turned away, then paused. “And good luck,” he said over his shoulder. He sounded like he meant it.

“Thanks.” My words landed against his retreating back.

I had to make a detour on the way home. The thought popped into my head and stalled there, in the middle of a brain that had whirred non-stop all day. Suddenly, the only thing in my mind was I needed to talk to Landon face to face. To tell him not to be an idiot. To take the job.

That I could love him.

That I loved him.


But it was true. I was falling for him. I’d given him more of myself than anyone except Megan.

I needed to save feelings until after I talked to Megan, but I knew her. She was my heart, and I knew what was in my heart.

This had to happen now. I never acted like this—impulsively—but it seemed to be my destiny for the day. This was the same kind of driving need I had when Megan found Easton with another woman. The only thing that mattered then was making sure she was all right. Getting her out of that hotel. Saving her sanity.

Today the only thing that mattered was telling Landon he needed to take this job.

That he’d found his family.

I called Megan as I headed to my truck. When she answered, I said, “Meet me at Landon’s.”

“Okay.” Like that. No questions. No doubt. Justokay.

Thank God she didn’t argue.