Page 13 of The Roommates


Her snort-laugh, and the way she cut it off by clamping her mouth shut, was the last response I expected.

Sure, I’d come on a bit strong, but direct tended to be the best way to let someone knowHey, I’d like to fuck you.“There’s no way I’m that unappealing.” I kept my tone light.

Her smile was shy and she didn’t meet my gaze. “It’s not… You’re not… I’m sorry.” She looked up. “The laugh was more of anI didn’t expect thatnoise. I was leaning toward grilled cheese if you’d like one too.”

Smoothest brush-off ever. At least she didn’t offer me a PB&J with the crust cut off.

Was it wrong that I thought it was sexy that her default for food was making traditionally for-kids food? Hell, the fact that she was such a great parent in general was sexy. “Grilled cheese sounds great.”

Sure, she’d brushed me off, and changed the topic so quickly she never missed a beat, but I hadn’t been shut down.

Still, my ego limped along, not sure what to make of the day ofnos.



I probably shouldn’t have laughedwhen Tanner propositioned me. His approach was smoother than anything my imagination would’ve come up with.

It was also way toocheesy pornfor me to take it seriously.

I couldn’t bring myself to sayyes, but I also didn’t want to tell himnoand completely remove the option. The line was bad, but I liked being calleddeliciousand he was yummier in person than in my fantasies. Basically, I didn’t want to completely discourage him.

So, being the dork I was, I’d offered him a sandwich instead. Go me. I wanted to pretend this was no big deal, but it was easier to focus on the cooking than looking at Tanner or trying to make conversation.

“Can I help with anything?” He hadn’t left. That had to be a good sign.

The offer was kind. The thought of working shoulder to shoulder with him heated my skin. “You can load the dishwasher after, but I’ve got it, thanks.” Besides, I had this down to a science. Heat the electric griddle while I got out the supplies. Mayo on the outside of the bread, cheese in the middle, drop two sandwiches on right as the surface was the right temperature.

Easy peasy.

“How did things go at the bank?” I asked as the food cooked.

“Not great. Not yet.”

A corner of my mouth tugged up at the confidence. That was sexy. “Yet?”

“It wasn’t anoand I’m willing to modify my proposal for ayes.”

He was still talking about the bank, wasn’t he? Or was he talking about me?


When I glanced over my shoulder, he pulled his gaze up from where it would’ve been focused on my ass, and grinned.

Maybe he was talking about me. The flutters in my stomach liked that idea.

“Give me details. You can’t drop a vague answer like that and then just leave it.” I was talking about the business proposal, but I wouldn’t mind if he interpreted my words differently.

“The building’s not in the best shape, and the business plan doesn’t allow for some of the new costs involved, but Colin has some great ideas, and I can revise the budget.”

Business it was, then. I didn’t have a right to be disappointed—I brought it on. I dished the sandwiches onto two plates, cut them in half diagonally, and set the food on the counter dividing the kitchen from the dining room. One dish in front of Tanner and the stool he sat on, and one for me.

“Do you want to sit?” he asked.

The thought hadn’t even occurred to me. “Actually, I have to get back to work.” I didn’t want to. Especially with this sexy guy watching me with rapt attention, and the potential for the conversation to get playful again, but I hadn’t intended to walk away from my desk for long.