Page 29 of Running For It

“Dottie was looking for you.” Hunter didn’t sound any more forgiving than I was inclined to be.

“I found her. Thanks. I really am sorry.” Ramsey’s expression softened.

Hunter nodded. “I knew what I was signing up for.”

Somehow, I’d managed to forget. Or at least diminish the memories until they felt insignificant.

Ramsey turned to me. “It’s a universal apology. To both of you. How are things going?”

“I met the CEO of Insignia Oil. He stared at my tits the entire time he told me what great taste you had in causes. But at least I wasn’t the only one objectified. The woman brought in to fix the Digital Media problems loves Hunter’s ass in those trousers.”

“I’d have a hard time arguing with either of them.” Ramsey’s light tone said he wanted to laugh this off and move on. “I really am sorry, Violet. I’ve been trying to nail this interview down for months, and it just happened to fall tonight.”

Hunter’s snort was soft. “Go, Debbie.”

Ramsey twisted his mouth. Watching them not-argue was almost worse than arguing with Ramsey myself. “And?” Ramsey asked.

“I’m interviewing more people the day after tomorrow,” Hunter said and looked at me. “I can fire her if I find someone at least as good to take her place.”

That seemed fair. “You dropped almost everything, to make this happen. I can’t fault you that one or two things couldn’t be pushed, especially if you didn’t know about them.”

“So we’re all good.” Ramsey stood.

It seemed that way. I didn’t feel any lingering animosity.

“Do you want to get out of here?” he asked.

The idea of leaving definitely made it better. “Can we do that?”

“Things are winding down. The doors close in less than two hours. Dottie has her ownHunter, who set all of this up with the staff, and will make sure it all comes down.” Ramsey made it sound so easy.

Hunter pushed away from the table and tugged me to my feet. “It’s a fair point. I vote for leaving.”

“I really feel like I should stay.” This was my party. I should be here until the end.

“What are you going to do if you do stay?” Ramsey asked.

“Be here?”

He grabbed my other hand. “Not a good answer. Give me something more concrete than,I have to help.”

“Isn’t that enough?” I didn’t have anything else.

“Nope. They’ve got this covered.” Ramsey led us farther from the crowd, toward a rear exit.

We took the elevator up to the same floor as earlier. And stopped in front of the same room. I’d never even thought to ask if we were all staying together, though I hoped so. Would that be an issue if someone dug into Ramsey? People did that in politics, right? Had he reserved three separate rooms, to only use one?

“You two looked good together tonight.” Ramsey’s comment interrupted my rambling thoughts. “Like you were having fun.”

“We were,” I said.

“Someone had to keep the guest of honor company, while you were occupied,” Hunter said. “Besides, Violet’s way better to talk to than most of those assholes.”

“Fair point.” Ramsey opened the door and let us step past him. “I feel like I should make it up to you.” He spun on me the moment we were all inside, pressing me to the wall with his body and trapping me in place.

I knew this look. This posture. The heat and playfulness in Ramsey’s gaze. The possessiveness. My pulse raced in the most delicious way, but I was going to poke the bear a little more. Especially after he’d vanished for so long. “No need. Hunter kept me satisfied.”

“Really?” Ramsey slid two fingers into my mouth, and I sucked instinctively. “So you don’t need me?”