Page 25 of Running For It

I didn’t. “I trust you. Make me look like a princess, going to a ball. More Meghan Markle than Cinderella,” I added as an afterthought.

“You got it, hon.”

The next few hours were almost enough to make me forget the looming party, from having my scalp massaged, and my fingers and feet soaked and rubbed. The stunning blue polish… I didn’t even have to ask. I hoped the color raised a few eyebrows.

When I handed my personal stylist a tip, she gave me a keycard with a room number.

“I’m told your things are already up there,” she said.

“Thank you, for a wonderful experience.”

I checked my phone as I took the elevator up. How was it already four? The party didn’t start until seven, but I couldn’t walk in there—couldn’t let guests arrive—without looking everything over first. And now my nervousness was back.

I stepped into the kind of hotel room I thought only existed in movies. The living room was bigger than my entire apartment, with three couches, white carpet, and gold everywhere. A door at the far end led to a bedroom, that I assumed was equally as overwhelming.

Ramsey was waiting, already dressed for the night in his tux.Goddess, he was breathtaking.

“You look incredible. And you probably want to get downstairs ridiculously early,” he said. “Hunter will meet us there.”

“You know me so well. I’m feeling a little underdressed, though.” I gestured down.

Ramsey reached for a long bag hanging on the back of a nearby door. “Clothes off.”

I raised an eyebrow, and he stared back at me with a look that said,Argue with me. I dare you.

It was tempting, but the clock was ticking, and if I pushed back, we’d be here for a while. Oh, and I’d mess up my hair. But the way Ramsey was watching me, with barely hidden desire, I didn’t care.

“Can we pretend I argued, and you can punish me later?” I asked sweetly.

He huffed. “I guess.”

I kicked off my shoes, then stripped off my shirt, intently aware of how he watched my every movement. “How much is everything?” I asked.

“Everythingiseverything.” Ramsey’s tone was hard.

Right. Desire roared over me, as I removed my jeans, my bra, and finally my panties, leaving me naked and on display in the middle of the room.

Ramsey closed the distance between us, stopping far enough away I couldn’t feel his heat, but I could reach out and touch him.

Self-consciousness wanted me to cover up, but I fought the impulse.

He dragged a finger along my jaw, down my neck, to my arm, and lower, to grasp my fingers. He kissed the tips. “Love the blue.”

My entire body was probably flushed pink, but I didn’t dare look.

Ramsey smirked and returned to the dress bag. He unzipped it, to reveal swaths of black underneath. It was a stunning gown. I’d never worn anything so elegant.

He unzipped the dress and beckoned me with a finger, as he removed the dress from its hanger. “Arms up.”

“I—” didn’t have any panties on.

“Yes?” He watched me with that look of challenge again.

I put my arms up. “Nothing.”

Ramsey moved behind me, to slip the dress over my head. He slid his palms down my sides, smoothing out the skirt even though it mostly fell to the floor on its own. He zipped up the back, sucking everything into place. Looking down, I could see the scooped neck, the skirt with a slit almost the hip, and the off-the shoulder short sleeves.

I wanted to see the whole deal from a better angle, though. I stepped toward the three-way mirror, and Ramsey grabbed my arm. “Not yet.”