Page 41 of Running For It

“No. That’s the last thing I need.” This was going to take some getting used to. Not his behavior—he wasn’t acting much differently than I was used to—but my mind asking how I was supposed to act, with every single exchange. It wasn’t like there were cameras in here. We weren’t on display. But, best to get in the habit now.

“But if you have things to do, I can...” wait? I had a schedule to keep as well. “Have Luna drop me off.” Was that the right response?

“Nope. I’m good to go.” He wove his fingers through mine.

Holding hands as we walked out to his car was the most awkward thing we’d done so far. He was the gentleman I expected, opening the passenger door for me and making sure I was settled before hurrying to the driver’s side.

As he sat, he didn’t start the engine.

“Are you sure you don’t have more to do?” I asked, hating that this disrupted two afternoons.

“I cleared the rest of my day for you, sweetie.”

I winced at the awkward pet name.

Hunter furrowed his brow. “Babe?”

“That’s a hardno.”

He screwed his face up in thought. “My little flower blossom of sticky sweetness.”

My laugh slipped out on its own. That felt nice. “Definitely not. Violet is fine.”

“Violet it is.” Hunter grasped my fingers to kiss the tips, then started the car and pulled us into traffic.

“You can just drop me off at my place,” I said. “I have to do a few things before I pack, so I’ll take my car. Meet you at your condo later.”

“I really did clear my day. I’ll go with you.”

“I’m not going to run away.”

Hunter smiled. “Hadn’t considered it for a moment. But the longer you leave me alone with my thoughts, the bigger I realize the rock and hard place are that we’re stuck between.”


“Settled.” He navigated afternoon traffic with ease. “Where to first?”

“I need to stop by the shelter and tell the kids to pack, so they can move into the temporary place.”

He turned down the next street that took us in that direction. “Done.”

I didn’t have the strength to argue the escort, and I didn’t mind his company, so I settled in for the ride.

When we reached the shelter, I worked for several minutes to gather the kids, and was met with onegive me a minuteafter another. I didn’t want to let my impatience show, but my brain was ticking and I couldn’t help but fidget.

Hunter squeezed my hand. “I’ve got this.” He stuck two fingers in his mouth, and let out an ear-splitting whistle that the neighbors probably heard.


The sound of footsteps echoed back, all rushing toward us, accompanied by several people asking, “What was that?”

Double impressive.

“Is this everyone who’s home?” I asked when most of them were gathered. There were only a couple of kids not here.

I was met with nods, but gazes were fixed on Hunter. Time to get this over with. “All right, here’s the deal. We need to have some major remodeling done, and you’re all going to a new place for just a little bit, while that happens. If you pack up, the bus will—”

“Is this the new ball and chain?” Someone asked