Page 23 of Running For It

I’d missed this feeling so much.

Ramsey stepped back. “Lady and Gentleman, take your seats. Let’s go to Vegas.”

I settled into a spot that was more comfortable than my living-room furniture. This would be a short flight, so there was no reason to take advantage of the amenities. However, it was tempting to at least see what kind of secrets a plane like this held.

As we taxied toward the runway, my phone rang. “Sorry. I forgot to turn it off.”

“Go ahead and take it.” Ramsey waved a hand. “No restrictions here.”

Talk about decadent. “Hello?”

“Is this Violet?” the woman on the other end of the line asked.

“It is.”

“This is Tawna, from Extended Stop Motels. We talked earlier?” Her voice was timid, which it hadn’t been earlier.

“Of course. What can I do for you?”

“I got a call from corporate, and they had me cancel your reservation.”

Disappointment sank into my bones. This had been the only place on my list that even talked to me. No one wanted to rent an entire floor to a group of kids. Too much liability. “Did they say why? Is there anything I can do?”

“They said there were insurance issues. Problems with legal guardianship. Liability concerns.”

I clenched my jaw and turned away from the two sets of eyes watching me. “Those are just a bunch of phrases. They don’t mean anything.” They did, but I couldn’t let this reservation fall apart.

“I’m sorry.” Tawna’s voice was tight. “I’m happy to let you stay here, but this came down from corporate. It’s out of my hands.”

It wouldn’t do me any good to yell at her. “I get it. Thank you.” I dropped my phone into my lap and scrubbed my face, letting a long breath out through my fingers.

“What’s wrong?” Ramsey’s question was all concern.

If I left this until tomorrow, would it give me enough time to find a solution? I’d need at least that long, to think of what to try next. “Nothing. I’ve got it.” My hands muffled my words.

“Would you have it faster or less painfully if we helped you brainstorm?” Ramsey asked.

Yes. No. Maybe.

Warm hands grabbed my wrists, and Ramsey pushed them into my lap as he moved into the seat next to me. “Talk.”

“If I don’t, will you stop asking?”


As I told them what was going on, it was impossible to hide my frustration. Sometimes, talking through something presented answers, but this time, I drew a blank.

Hunter had his phone out. “Give me thirty minutes.”

“I can’t.” I shook my head.

Ramsey squeezed my hand gently. “Can’twhat?”

“Can’t keep asking for favors. I owe you both too much.”

Hunter stared at me with disbelief.

“That’s not the way this works.” Was that hurt in Ramsey’s voice?