Page 77 of Asking For It

“Yes.” Kingston brushed his lips over mine. “If that’s all right with you.”

Owen kissed along the back of my neck. “Whatever my Kitty Cat wants, she gets.”

“Oh, there’s got to be a story behind a nickname like that.” Kingston lay on the pillow facing me, and rested a hand on my hip.

I shook my head. “It’s not a great one.”

“It’s a fantastic one,” Owen countered. “And it comes with a picture.”

“I used to come with pictures,” Kingston teased. “Probably won’t be doing that again for a while.”

I appreciated the sentiment, but didn’t buy it. “You’re implying you’re not going to jerk off to porn anymore?”

“Is it porn of you?” Kingston’s face lit up. “Or are you watching with me? I could get into that.”

Owen’s sigh was heavy and exaggerated, his breath caressing my back. “You’re impossible some days.”

Kingston smirked. “But you still love me. Go figure.”

“I think you’re both perfect,” I said.

“You’rebiased. But also brilliant. And right.” Owen kissed my shoulder.

One phone in the room chimed, and then another seconds later. “Do you have to get that?” I wanted the answer to beno.

“They’ll wait.” Kingston didn’t make any hint at moving.

And then the rings sounded again, one and then another. And again, seconds later.

“One of you should get that.” I didn’t want to be jostled, but it was probably urgent.

Owen kissed my bare shoulder. “Not me. Let the Punisher do it.”

“Fine.” Kingston rolled out of bed, and fished his jeans from the floor to grab his phone from the pocket. He jabbed the screen, then listened for a moment, before sighing. “Dylan is freaking out. Our social media manager.” He looked at me. “The internet is blowing up that one of our employees assaulted a customer.”

“One of your employees?” I raised my brows.

Kingston dropped back onto the bed. “There’s video.”

Of course there was. I frowned.

He tapped my nose playfully. “Don’t look like that. I’d do the same thing again in a heartbeat.” He swiped his phone again. Ringing echoed from the speaker when he set the device in the middle of the bed.

“Thank, God. It’s about time you called me back. What did you do?” The woman who answered the phone sounded panicked.

I would be too.

Kingston’s sigh was exaggerated. “You saw what I did. The asshole deserved it. I’m not sorry.”

“You’re going to give me a heart attack. Before I’m thirty. I want to live to see thirty,” Dylan said.

Something told me this wasn’t the first time she’d dealt with Kingston’s impulsiveness. Anne and Sadie had been right earlier—I liked that it was about me this time. Was that wrong?

“We have an official company statement.” Owen sounded more professional.

Dylan’s laugh was strained. “Thank you. I’m listening.”

Owen pursed his lips and furrowed his brow before speaking again. “While we don’t condone violence, we also abhor any level of bullying or degradation. The employee in question will be disciplined, and the customer is no longer allowed in any of our establishments.” He was good. “Make it sound pretty, and send it to me for approval.”