Page 46 of Asking For It

“Well... I screwed up, I begged for her forgiveness, and then I begged again to spend more time with her. Do you have any idea how amazing your friend is?”

Sadie shook her head. “Better than you do.”

“Fair point, though I’d like to move up a little farther on the scale.”

It was odd to hear me talked about this way. A girl could get used to the indirect praise.

“He’s cute.” Sadie was talking to me again. “Does he know if he hurts you, there’s no place in the world he can hide from us?”

“He does now, and he would deserve it,” Kingston said.

Grayson walked behind Sadie, then paused. “Who’s the hottie?” He asked.

Sadie gleaned back. “Lyn’s new manservant.”

Sadie, Anne, and I teased each other and their boyfriends all the time, but that was inner circle stuff. Did I want them drawing Kingston into the same?

“Ready to serve at Her Majesty’s whim.” He fell into it so easily.

What if he fit in with us? What if Owen did? They’d have to, for me to stay with them. Was I thinking about long term with them? No. I was living this day today. “Anyway,” I said. “He made nice, we’re good now, and he asked first if I was free. I’ll call you tomorrow and we’ll figure something out?”

“Yes. Definitely yes.” Sadie was emphatic. “You have so much to fill me in on.”

And with any luck, I’d figure out at least some of it before we spoke again.

“That went well. It seemed to go well.” Kingston tangled his fingers with mine as we headed inside. “You tell me. Did that go well?”

“She didn’t threaten to send the cops, so...”

“Good thing I never plan on hurting you.”

Except for that whole looming matter of him and Owen wanting to buy my shop. And Owen being in love with him... Did Kingston feel the same? Would he if he knew?Didhe know?

Gah. Too many questions, and I just wanted to hang out and have fun.

We were seated, and ordered coffee. As soon as the waitress left, Kingston leaned in. “I can’t believe Sadie and Grayson know you.”

“Grayson did half the wiring in Loading Java.” I wasn’t surprised he knew who they were. Sadie had a huge online following with her costume design, and Grayson was a popular game streamer. Even if Kingston only followed one of them, they frequently appeared on each other’s channels.

Kingston tapped his index finger on the table rapidly. Odd twitch. He huffed out a breath. “I heard... The two of them... Is it true?”

“Is what true?”

“She’s married to him and his boyfriend.”

It had been a gorgeous ceremony. Held in my back yard. “It’s true.”

Kingston shook his head.

“What?” I asked.

“Nothing. Or rather, I’m processing. In a good way.”

I wasn’t going to read into that.

Ha, I totally was. I could make so many assumptions regarding why Kingston cared if Sadie was married to two people. The obvious one for most people would focus on my relationship with him and Owen. But my brain revolted at the thought. Not because I didn’t like it, but because it was so implausible.

Wasn’t it?