“I’m good, but thank you.”
Anne squeezed again. “I don’t want to see you hurt. Ever. Pretty sure you told me something similar not too long ago, and it works both ways. If you’re okay with all of this, then that’s fine. But you’re not an idiot. Do you have this under control, or do you want me to yank you out of it?”
I appreciated having the options. “I’ve got it under control.” And the more times I told myself that, the truer it would be.
Chapter Nine
Leaving the restaurantbefore everyone else didn’t help me when I got home; I tossed and turned most of the night.
When my doorbell rang in the morning, I was on round five billion ofwhat the hell am I doing? The question hadn’t stopped me from stuffing a swimsuit, towel, and change of clothes—none of which I intended to need—into an oversized bag, along with a bottle of Sauvignon Blanc, to go with brunch, or just picnic-style drinking in general.
I answered the door to find Kingston kneeling on the front step, head bowed.
He didn’t look up. “I’m so, so sorry. Please forgive?”
Was I more embarrassed for him or me? I was at least a little curious if he could see up my denim skirt. “Please get up.”
“I’d make a joke about being up just because you’re here, but no erection humor until you forgive me.” He stood, putting him a few inches above eye level instead of tantalizingly below.
“Where’s your other half?” I wasn’t getting dragged into fun with him. No witty banter. No teasing.
Kingston patted his legs and chest, his back and front, and his left and right shoulder. “All of me is here.”
“I meant Owen.”
“Ah. He’s in the car. Said watching me humiliate myself in front of you once fills out his lifetime quota.”
I wasn’t going to forgive him just because he was goofy and cute. “Anyone can grovel.”
“But how many people do so willingly?”
I pursed my lips and stared at him.
“I’m sorry about the other day. Sincerely and honestly.” His serious tone replaced the playfulness, and he held my gaze. “It may surprise you to hear this, but I don’t always read a room right, and sometimes my jokes fall flat.”
“If that’s your idea of a joke... Has it ever in your life been appropriate to fuck someone and then tease them about it being for business?”