Page 49 of Waiting for It

Chapter Nineteen

Billie stood next tome, stuck two fingers in her mouth, and released an ear-splitting whistle. “Hey. STFU and listen to the boss.”

Did she really just say STFU? I liked her more than before and could see exactly why Mike didn’t. He probably hated that some woman had the nerve to speak her mind. His loss. I gave her a grateful smile and turned back to the room. “Yes, Mike’s been let go. You all know Luke is a full-transparency kind of guy, and he’ll fill in the details. As far as I know, no one else needs to be concerned. We just need you to sit tight for a few minutes, until Luke is back.”

More murmurs rolled through the room, but they were of curiosity, not anger. The group’s fear faded.

When Luke returned, he didn’t offer much more information, but said as soon as he had clearance from Legal he’d explain more. It calmed people down, but I doubted anyone would get much programming done.

I was emotionally numb by the time we got back to the hotel. Between a fun lunch with Luke and Chase, and the turmoil with Mike, I didn’t dare feel anything. I shrugged off Chase’s offer for dinner later, and settled into my little corner on the couch, my headphones on.

Minutes ticked away on the clock, and I wasn’t focusing. I tried pulling up a movie, but it didn’t hold my attention. I avoided social media, because I didn’t want the reminder that things weren’t right with Sadie.

I wanted to be talking to my friends again. When I took off my headphones, voices drifted to greet me.

“... without Anne,” Luke said.

“And when she’s talking to us, we’ll include her. This is about you and me.” That was Chase.

What were they talking about?

“We were stupid to even consider it,” Chase said.

“I think we’ve figured that out already.”

Chase choked off a laugh. “I mean, in addition to the obvious this was probably a bad idea. It’s killing me, to have her not talking to me.


I shouldn’t eavesdrop. I stood to join them and interrupt, but curiosity kept my feet glued to the floor.

“What would have happened if things went the way we thought?” Chase asked. “We both try to win her heart, and she picks one of us.”

Anger tickled my senses at the reminder that betting Anne’s heart as a prize was a real thing. I’d rather be dryly amused that they hadn’t considered the potential consequences—any of them—sooner.

“To be honest, I never thought beyond a future with her.” Luke sighed. “She’d end up with me, so there was nothing to consider.”

“Except you’re wrong. She’d pick me. We know each other better.”

Nope, anger was winning out.

“Fuck, we’re assholes.” Did Luke sound genuinely remorseful? Then again, hadn’t both of them before now, too?

“You know, I don’t want to see you miserable almost as much as I don’t want to be miserable,” Chase said.

That was convoluted. I stepped up to the doorway and coughed, to draw their attention. “I’m not choosing either of you.” The meaning behind the words, that I’d lose them both, clenched around my heart.

From the way one corner of Chase’s mouth tugged up, he didn’t reach the same conclusion. “That’s my point. If you and I are together, I don’t have an issue with you and Luke being together too.”

“I’m on board with that,” Luke said.

I was too. Or I would be, if this one argument hadn’t had so much fallout. “Too bad this was over before it started.” I didn’t know how I kept my voice from shaking, because the statement threatened to rip me apart. I couldn’t talk to them anymore. I turned away.

“Anne.” Luke’s tone made me pause. “Do you ever wonder if you’re doing the right thing?”

A shiver ran through me, and I resisted the urge to hug myself as doubt poured through me.

“This isn’t me being passive aggressive or telling you you’re wrong. You’re not.” Luke was kind. “I saw how you reacted to Mike. I felt your doubt, wondering if you were wrong. I’ve been there. I wouldn’t be begging for your forgiveness if I didn’t realize I’d fucked up. But I’m asking if you’ve got that voice in your head that belongs to someone else. The one that makes you question everything.”