Page 48 of Waiting for It

Two dozen people swiveled to face me at once, and embarrassment flooded my cheeks. I might be bright red, but I was going to do this.

“No one in this room is being fired. Not today, and God willing, not at all.” This wasn’t what I was supposed to say, but if I didn’t do something, there was going to be a revolt. “Mike is no longer with the company. I know many of you consider him a friend, and this is never the way we want things to go. But Luke will explain everything in a few minutes.”

“What happened?”

“Why can’t we get into our computers?”

“I have unsaved work.”

The shouts came from multiple places in the room, making it difficult to tell who most of them were from.

“Mike is a good guy.”

“He was set up.”

“You can’t fire him because you’re incompetent.”

The last one sent ice spilling through my veins. The noise was reaching a volume that buzzed in my head and made it difficult to think.