Page 4 of Waiting for It

Chapter Two

My heart was throwingitself against my ribs like it was in a one-man cage match, and I couldn’t find my voice. I nodded.

“Strangers, then?” Luke stepped within arm’s reach. “Random encounter? Undeniable chemistry? Two people who’re definitely not us, even though we look and think exactly the same, who can’t keep their hands off each other?” His voice rumbled over me with temptation.

Being picked up by him in a bar? Or anywhere? Yeah, that was hot. “Something like that.” My response came out raspy.

He took my hand again and led me away from the desk. When we reached the small table at the other end of his office, he spun to face me. The toes of his shoes touched mine, and if I leaned in, our lips would meet.

“What’s a nice place like you doing in a girl like this?” he asked.

I laughed at the Deadpool reference. If he was pretending to be a stranger, he had a pretty good knack for getting into my head. “I’d quote the movie back at you, but even if we’re pretending we don’t work here, Rinslet can’t afford the copyright lawsuit.”

Luke’s throaty chuckle rolled over me. “Let’s skip the pick-up lines,” he said. “I’m not great at those anyway. How about we fast-forward to the part where I invite you back to my room?”

“Yes.” Fucking yes. My voice had recovered.

He slid a hand to the back of my neck and kissed me again. There was no easing into this. He crushed against my mouth with an intensity I shared, and I parted my lips, to deepen the kiss.

Our tongues danced and thrashed against each other. He drew me closer, but I wanted to feel more than the pressure of his frame against mine; I wanted to be part of him.

I pushed his shirt up. One of us groaned—or was that both of us?—when my fingers met his bare skin.

His scent mingled with the faint musk of desire plus a full day’s work. Everything about this, about us, was distinct and hyper-real. The way he tangled his fingers in my hair and tugged. The glide of his mouth along my jaw and to my collarbone. The barely-there fuzz of hair, when I slid my fingers up his torso and dug them into his chest, looking for something to hold onto.

“You’re fucking incredible,” Luke murmured against my shoulder, and the words vibrated through me. “I want to strip you down, and lick your pussy until you’re grinding against my face and writhing in ecstasy. I bet you taste like peaches.”

And he was a dirty talker. From the increased throb between my legs, apparently that was a turn-on.

The chime of his cell phone, unnaturally loud amid our panting and moaning, shattered the mood.

“I should get that,” Luke said breathlessly.

“Right.” I didn’t know if I was hurt he didn’t ignore it, or relieved he chose to answer.

As he crossed the room, cool air sank into my cheeks and pushed away the heat of fantasy.

I brushed my fingers over my tingling lips. The flesh was tender and swollen. My pulse wouldn’t stop doing speed-trial laps. What the fuck was I doing? Was I really going to sleep with my boss?

Yeah, as far as bosses went, Luke was... wow, but I had to look him in the eye every day. Lust was one thing, but acting on it? Going further would be a mistake. I was a master of bad decisions, and that one would top the list.

“Sorry about that.” He returned but kept his distance.

Good. It was. Really. I just needed all of me to be glad he wasn’t close enough to touch. I wouldn’t even ask what the apology was for—the interruption or what came before. “No worries. I think we should call it a night soon, anyway.”

A shadow crossed his face, but it was gone before I could identify it. “You’re right. It’s late. Our brains are stuck in a debug loop.”

“That’s it.” I knew what the issue was with the code. Thank God, because it pushed the awkwardness out of my thoughts for a few seconds. “Check this out.” I strode back to the white board, erased several of the lines in his flow chart, and drew in new ones. Not an easy trick while my brain was trying to remember if I knew any positions in the Kama Sutra. “This routine is stuck in a loop.”

“You’re right.” He moved to stand behind me but kept a couple feet between us.

A couple feet of gaping chasm.

I ignored the thought and kept drawing. “We need to call this variable sooner and populate it at a higher level, so these modules can access it.”

“Brilliant. If I’d know I had magic lips, I’d have done— Brilliant.”

My cheeks were burning again, but not from desire this time. Done that sooner. I knew what he wanted to say, because I was itching to joke that, if your kisses come with programmer mojo, we need to do that more often.