Page 8 of Faking Love

She trudged toward Andie, handed off the girl’s pass and the signed poster without another word, and then headed upstairs. So much for her brilliant plan to seduce the gorgeous stranger. She should stay in her room the rest of the night.

When she pulled out her signed print and turned it over to read the inscription, her embarrassed heat shifted to something new. Maybe waiting in line was worth it after all.

Chapter Four

Brandon resisted theurge to glance around him one more time. The phone call from his agent this morning still had him paranoid, especially since he was doing exactly what she told him not to.

The incident that afternoon must have made it to social media. If the animation companies didn’t like him before, this new run-in wouldn’t win him any popularity points.

At the same time, when he’d seen Molly standing in front of him in the autograph line, jeans hugging round hips and a T-shirt showing off perky tits, he’d lost any will to behave. And hearing someone insult her... It had taken all of his self-restraint not to threaten the kid.

Of course, none of that mattered if she didn’t show up. He scanned the hotel bar, looking for her familiar straight black hair. Maybe she hadn’t seen the note on the back of the print, asking if she wanted to pick up where they left off after breakfast. She was interested. Otherwise, why go to the trouble of running into him again? It was obvious how out of her element she was with this crowd. Even if she didn’t know it, she had something in common with these fans—as much passion under the surface, even if she applied it to her life differently.

He grinned, and cut a straight path to the gorgeous brunette at the bar. Barrettes held her hair back from her face, and every few seconds she pulled her attention from her drink to let her gaze flit around the room.

He dropped into the seat next to her, arm brushing hers. A tingle rushed through him.What is it about this woman?“I was worried you might not show,” he said.

Molly shifted to face him but didn’t break the contact. A soft smile danced on full lips. “Does that happen a lot? They don’t show?”

He bit back his surprise. If she were one of the attendees, he might think the question was founded in the rumors about him. But there was no way she’d heard those. She didn’t know who he was. Which was kind of nice. “I haven’t made a habit of extending the invite.”

Her brows rose, and she studied him with hazel eyes. She shook her head and took a sip of her drink. “Thank you again for this afternoon. I don’t think I’ve ever been rescued by a knight in shining armor before.”

Pride rushed through him but wilted when something occurred to him. “Is that why you’re here?”

She laughed—a beautiful, playful sound—and shook her head. “I mean, it certainly didn’t hurt. But I’m here to see you, not because I felt obligated.”

“Good. Perfect.” He fumbled for more words. It was difficult to concentrate, with the blood rushing from his head and into his lower extremities. He was having a hard time focusing on anything but kissing her gorgeous, full lips, and—if that was what her laughter sounded like—how incredible it would be to make her moan.

He tucked the thought aside. He needed to focus on the conversation.

“So, voice acting. How does someone get into that kind of work?” Molly asked.

That question came up in every single panel he sat on, and yet it sounded new from her. He could answer it, and he didn’t have to filter his words here. “Honestly? It’s all about who I knew.”

She trailed a finger over her bottom lip. “That’s it? Nothing about hard work, training, and studying how to make different sounds for years on end?”