Page 61 of Her Airman

“Yes, Ma’am.” Scott paced a few feet, his gaze following the crowds, before he turned back to face Zane. “You must be something pretty special.”

Zane’s gut sank when he realized he was facing Riley again. She wasn’t tucked into the dark corner anymore, but she was still talking to Archer. Her arms were crossed, but they stood close. He needed to leave.

He forced his attention back to Scott. “I have a feeling this line of conversation is a barrel of chuckles for you, but it’s getting old for me.” Part of Zane knew he was being rude. Most of him didn’t know if it mattered or even if he cared.

“You never called.” Scott rested a hand on his arm.

Zane stepped away, brows raised. “You were expecting me to? It was just dinner.”

Scott laughed. “Nice. Very clever. I’ll try this a different way, since the business card didn’t clue you in. I know who you are.”

“I’m a friend of your wife’s.” He hated that was all he felt comfortable saying. For so long he’d almost felt like family, and now he was relegated tobride’s guestand nothing more.

“Keep telling yourself that’s all, but it won’t make it any truer.” Scott loosened his tie. “But I was talking about The Taurus.”

Jesus. Zane wasn’t as willing to own the pseudonym as he had been with Mikki. She’d been in awe. Who the fuck knew what Scott was thinking? “That’s supposed to mean something to me?”

“You’re not what I expected.” Scott rocked on the balls of his feet, occasionally obstructing the view of Riley and Archer. “I mean, the abrasive attitude and arrogance makes sense, but I thought I’d get a lot more ego and bragging from the guy who used to practically paint forums with his name and antics.”

Had Riley really talked about him that much? The thought would have warmed him if he couldn’t see her in the background, relaxing. “That was a persona. Besides, I’ve grown up.”

“I hope not too much.” Scott snapped his fingers. “Am I boring you?”

Zane tried to keep an eye on Riley and participate in the conversation at the same time. “I’m fine. Didn’t you have a time limit?”

“Right. Seven years ago, you hacked our security and released a moderately intensive demo of our game to the public six weeks early.”

Oh yeah. That had been one of his favorites.Shit. Scott’s company name had been different back then, but Zane should have known it was familiar. “That was you? Um... oops?” That wasn’t really the most sincere apology he could have come up with. Did he care? Not unless Scott was going to press charges, and for as much as the guy seemed like an ass, Zane didn’t think that was too likely. “I was a kid. I didn’t know any better.”

“You were in your early twenties. Old enough to drink and vote. Not quite a kid.” Scott’s expression was laced with a smile still, no irritation present. “I don’t want anI’m sorry. It was some of the best publicity we ever had. It put us on the map.”

“You’re welcome?”

Scott shrugged and looked over his shoulder, following Zane’s continuously drifting line of sight. “She looks good, doesn’t she?”

Zane shook his head and tore his gaze away from Riley. Mostly. “I suppose.”

“Even if you hadn’t spent the entire time I was here staring at her, I wouldn’t be arrogant enough to think I looked better than she does.” Scott glanced at his watch. “I have less than a minute, so I’ll make this fast. It was good publicity then. The Internet works differently now, and something like that could topple us. I need someone on board who can keep someone like you from doing it again. The job is yours if you want it.”

Zane was now ninety-nine percent focused on the conversation. “Wait. What?”

“You heard me.”

That had been one of the biggest hacks he’d ever done, not because of the attention it garnered, but because it had been a challenge. Regardless of how conceited this jackass was, Zane was being offered a chance to do it again, but better, and for money. One thing held him back. “I don’t take pity jobs.”

Scott’s laugh drew a couple of stares from people nearby. “Pity? I must not have groveled enough. Or did you miss the genuine awe? I’m a hundred-percent serious.”

Zane stalled on his response, not sure what to say. The offer sounded real, but part of him couldn’t accept it. “Why would I work for you?”

“Probably not for the money, though I promise the paycheck is worth it, and you won’t mind the signing bonus. Maybe because you know it will be a challenge. Or, if that’s not enough, because it gives you a chance to put me in my place, by poking holes in my security.”

Take it, take it, take it.His stubborn streak won out. “Still not convinced.”

“I’ll be back in two weeks. You have until then to decide.”

“Right. I’ll be in touch,” Zane replied, faster than he meant to. He wanted this. He wasn’t going to bluff himself out of a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity. “You already know I’m going to sayyes, don’t you?”

Scott’s grin widened. “Let’s just say I hoped. Two weeks, we’ll negotiate. Make sure you can at least buy my baby sister the ring she deserves.”