Page 10 of Queen of Hell

“You saidwe. Does that mean we’re going to walk to lectures and stuff together?”

Well,fuck. I shouldn’t be entertaining her ideas of friendship. I don’t know what it is about this girl that makes me continue to forget that I need to keep her at arm's length but she is just so sweet and nice, I actually like her. She is really smart and witty, and seems genuinely happy most of the time.

“Yeah, why not. We can be invisible together.”

I don’t know why I’m breaking my own rules here, but even though I’ve only known Poppy for a few hours, I’m feeling fiercely protective of her already. I need to be careful. I can’t risk her getting too close and finding anything out about me. It would definitely frighten her to death if she found out who I really am.

Her answering squeal is loud and I flinch at the sound.

“Oh! My! God! This year is going to be awesome. I can just tell!”

“Wedo notmake waves, Poppy. We stay invisible and we get out of here at the end of the year. I’m not interested in anything else.”

“Got it. Sorry. I’ve just never had a friend here. I’m not rich or anything. I’m only at this school because my dad’s the Dean,” she says with a grimace. “The Crew made sure everyone shunned me in First year because of my dad and no one has spoken to me since. People would put bubble gum in my hair. Trip me, and call me names… Shit, I’m really not giving you any reasons to hang around me. I’m sorry, you don’t have to... I’d completely understand…”

“Stop, Poppy. We’re walking to lectures together.”

This girl just keeps on finding ways to pull on heartstrings I thought were shrivelled up and dead. The least I can do is keep an eye on her and make sure none of the things she’s described happen this year. I need to keep her out of the reach of this so-calledCrewand their bimbo bitch groupies.

“Thank you, Kenzi. I mean it. I can’t believe I was lucky enough to be assigned as your guide and you turned out to be such a nice person.”

“I don’t think anyone has ever called me nice before,” I say with a chuckle. “And don’t thank me just yet. We have to get through the year first.”

“Right, we keep our heads down, stay invisible and get through the year. We can totally do that.” She gets off the bed and makes her way to the door. “I’m gonna give you a break and let you get some rest. I’ll be with my dad for most of tomorrow, so I’ll see you Monday morning at 7.00 am and we’ll go grab some breakfast before class.”

“Okay, I’ll see you on Monday,” I tell her as she walks out the door and closes it behind her.

At least I won’t have to make up any excuses for leaving to check out the town in the morning. The last thing I need is Poppy wanting to tag along with me to find somewhere to let my demons out. I can just see the shit show that conversation would cause.

Well, I’ve got to buy a place in town so I don't go on a murderous rampage through the university and kill everyone because I’m actually insane and the giggling voices in my head need me to.

Fuck! What the hell was I thinking?

How the hell am I supposed to stay invisible when I’m with someone?

At this point, I can only blame the lack of sleep and long-ass drive for agreeing to walk to with Poppy. I jump up and grab my phone off the bedside table and call the only person that will be able to help me with how to handle this situation. He picks up after two rings.

“I think I fucked up already,” I say, getting straight to the point of my call as I flop back onto my bed.

“Hey, Kenz. How was your drive? Have you settled in okay?”

“Fuck off, Xave. I need your help.”

I hear him sigh through the phone. “You can only have been there a few hours at most, Kenz. How in the hell can you have done something to fuck up already?”

“The Dean assigned me a guide to help me get settled in. His daughter, Poppy.”

“Okay, that doesn’t sound too bad. It’s a new place and you’ve never been out of London. She will show you around so you don’t get lost and then you can do your ghost girl thing.” He chuckles at his little joke.

“Ghost girl. Very funny arsehole,” I reply, sarcasm heavy in my voice. “Like I’ve never heardthatbefore.” I shake my head and sigh. The only way Xavier will be able to help me sort through the mess in my head is if I talk to him about it. I try to collect my thoughts. “I was fully intending to blow the guide off. He assigned her for a week, but I’ve got a map of the place so I’d have been fine.Invisible. This girl, Poppy, I think sheexpectedme to blow her off. I saw it as she introduced herself. It was like she knew she was wasting her time.”

“So you are going along with the guide then? That could be a good idea, Kenz. The Dean’s daughter is bound to know everything about the school. That's got to be an advantage, right?”

“Yeah, I thought that. We’ve got the same schedule and room next to each other. I managed to let her talk me into walking with her this year.”

He’s quiet for a minute and like he’s trying to figure out what I’m thinking.

“Yeah, I’m still not seeing that big of an issue here, Kenz.”