“You look good enough to eat, fairy girl, and I’m suddenly famished,” he replies, letting his gaze drop down my body once more.
“Well, you had better hope that this fancy party has some decent food,” I tell him as I shove a mask in his chest, “Because I’m not on the menu. Now, you all know how this is going to go,” I say as I hand the others their masks. “We do this one by one. I give you the signal and you get them to the room, then I jab them with the sedative whilst you stand watch outside. Once they are unconscious you will then get them out of the party and back to my playroom. We have two hours before Price is due to arrive for their meeting. As long as we stick to the plan we’ll all be out of here long before he arrives.”
They nod their understanding as they place the masks over their faces, tying them in place before stepping apart so I can walk between them. Clay and Wyatt on one side and Elijah and Rafe on the other.
“Let’s get this show on the road, shall we boys? By this time tomorrow any thoughts of a deal with Price will be nothing but ashes and you’ll all be free from your daddies evil clutches.
When Kenzi stepped out of the car in her blonde wig, I was rooted to where I stood as my breath caught in my lungs. It was like I was looking at the girl I had once known and I haven’t been able to take my eyes off her since.
As she walks into the party between the four of us, looking absolutely stunning and with her head held high, every eye is on her. I watch as her lip curls into a sneer at the unwanted attention.
“What the fuck are they all staring at?” She hisses as her eyes take in all the people looking our way.
“Well, that would be you, fairy girl,” Wyatt says with a chuckle, “You just walked in here with the four most handsome men in this town.”
He’s not wrong that she’s the one they’re staring at, but it’s not for the reason he told her. She may not like having people’s attention, but doesn’t she understand how she commands any room she walks into? How every man looks at her like she is a prize they would fight to the death for a chance of winning? How every woman watches her with envy and jealousy in their eyes?
“Then the people here definitely need to leave town more,” she says, rolling her eyes. “They obviously don’t know what they’re missing.”
I can’t help the low growl that rumbles in my chest and makes its way through my lips at her words. The thought of her with anyone who isn’t me makes me want to slam her against the nearest surface and devour her until I’m buried so far inside her that she forgets everything except me.
She turns to me with a smirk and a knowing glint in her eyes, as if the thoughts and images in my mind are being projected through my eyes for her to see. I bend towards her until my lips brush her ear.
“How about I show you whatyou’vebeen missing, Tink?” I nip her lobe, quickly soothing the sting with a flick of my tongue. Her eyes close as a shiver goes through her.
She shakes her head as she opens her eyes, clearing her throat as she pulls herself together. When she finally looks up at me there is a smirk on her lips as she stands on her toes to reach my ear.
“I’d sayyou'rethe one that’s been missing out, Clay,” she says, copying my actions by nipping my ear. I let out a low groan when her tongue flicks out to lick at the lobe. “But I think I’ll pass,” she says, chuckling as she lowers herself back onto her feet. “You seem to forget I’ve seen what's been wrapped around your dick recently.”
I growl, stepping up behind her as she turns away from me, wrapping my arm around her to keep her in place. My cock presses into her, rock hard after her little display. She gasps at the contact but instead of pulling away from me as I expect, she leans into me, relaxing in my hold.
“Be grateful we’ve got a job to do right now, Tink, otherwise I would be laying you out in front of everyone here to show you just what I think of your sass,” I tell her, bending down to brush my lips along her neck as I speak.
My mouth clamps down, feeling the fluttering of her pulse against my tongue as her breath hitches and her head drops to the side in offering, further proving my point. I suck on her neck hard enough to leave a mark, biting down when she lets out a breathy moan.
“You have always been mine, Kenzi,” I say as I pull back to run my tongue over my mark. “And despite what might come out of your mouth, your body knows the truth.”
I let her go, taking a step back and chuckling darkly as she tries to follow before growling softly and righting herself. She takes a deep breath, mumbling something too low for me to catch before turning around with a savage grin on her face.
“Okay, boys, it’s time to make your daddies pay for their sins. Keep them in your sights until I give you the signal that I’m ready. Then give me five minutes to get back to the room before you bring them back there,” she starts to bob her head at each of us in turn a few times before stopping on me, her grin widening. “Looks like you’re up first, Clay. We need to make sure there are no guards hanging around where they shouldn’t be, then me and daddy Maguire are going to have a little reunion.”
“Kenzi, did you just do‘Ip, dip, do’to decide who was going first?” I ask her, my tone stern enough to let her know that answering anything other than no would be unacceptable.
“Of course not, Clay, What the hell do you take me for? I’m not ten years old anymore, you know,” she scoffs. “I used‘Ip, dip, dog shit’.”
Wyatt lets out a bark of laughter from beside me which makes Kenzi turn to smile up at him.
“At least someone appreciates my elimination techniques.”
“All that planning and then you go and use a children’s rhyme to decide who to go after first,” he shakes his head, chuckling. “You are one crazy chick, fairy girl.”
“Hey, it’s not a children’s rhyme,” she says, pouting. “Well notthatversion anyway.”
“Enough fucking about, princess,” Rafe sneers from my other side. “Let’s just get this over with.”