Page 32 of Queen of Hell

“Not what you were expecting? Fuck, you must be dumber than I thought if you seriously believed a few words and heated looks would make me fall at your feet,” I look him up and down and laugh. “Or did you think the fact we share a history, or the fact that I promised not to kill you, would make me hold back from hurting you?”

I run towards him, moving to his side and grabbing his arm. I swing myself up and land on his shoulders, wrapping my legs under his arms and punching him in the side of his head a few times before he manages to grab my arms and throw me forward. I roll as I land and jump up spinning to face him. I run straight for him again, not giving him any time to recover, and spin around him, kicking his legs out from under him and bringing him to his knees before wrapping my arms around his neck in a choke hold.

“Looks like it’s finally time to end this, Clay,” I say as I tighten my hold.

“What happened to you Tink?” He rasps out, not even struggling against my hold.

“You would fucking know if you had bothered to stick around, instead of being a fucking coward and running at the first sign of trouble!” I snarl, holding back the tears that want to fall at the memories of that night.

“I’m so fucking sorry, Tink,” He whispers, before he loses consciousness and I drop him to the floor.

I take a step back and look at him, not expecting the apology, or how sincere it sounded. I think back over what just happened and realise that he never once tried to hit me, every time he grabbed me it was to restrain me. I look up and see the others making their way into the ring towards us.

“He’ll be fine in a few minutes, boys. A bit sore maybe, but fine. I haven’t killed him yet,” They look at me and nod before bending down to pick their friend up off the floor. I look down at Clay once more and sigh. “Get him out of here. When he wakes up, tell him I’ll hear him out but I’ll come to him. Do not try to ambush me again.”

A look of relief passes on their faces at my words before they nod at me once more and move to carry Clay out of the ring.

I make my own way out of the ring and go to find the owner for my money. I need to get out of here, I’ve got a hell of lot to fucking think about before I find out what Clay has to say.



I’m sitting in bed with a cup of tea waiting for Kenzi to get back, and can’t help but think back to what happened today between her and the Crew. That was the craziest and the scariest fucking thing I have ever seen in my life. I still can’t believe she actually held a knife to Clay’s throat and told him she wanted to kill him. I mean, I don’t actually know what I was expecting when they came over, but that definitely wasn’t it.

I shake my head at myself and take a sip of my tea. I am friends with theQueen of Hell. How thefuckdid that happen?

I have never really fit into this town, despite being born here, and had never been good at making friends, but I had managed to maintain a few friendships during school. That all changed though the older I got. My friends all went off to different colleges and universities and we lost touch, whilst I stayed and came here because my father was the Dean and my tuition was free.

Who wouldn’t jump at the chance to go to the most prestigious university in the country and not have to worry about being saddled with a huge stack of student debt? It was a dream come true, and although I really wanted to get out of here and travel, there was no way I could turn the opportunity down.

And I had regretted that decision every single day since I had started here. Right up until a week ago when I had met Kenzi Scott.

I hadneverbeen on the Crew’s radar until we came here, and I had tried to laugh it off as a joke when we started here and they told everyone not to go anywhere near me because I was the Dean’s daughter. Although they didn’t actually say or do anything to me themselves, everyone else took their words as an open invitation to make my life hell, and they didn’t do anything to put a stop to it.

I think back to the day she turned up here. My dad had asked me to show her around and help to get her settled. I really hadn’t wanted to do it, IthoughtI knew exactly what would happen. It was the same thing that always happened. She would find out that if she wanted to get anywhere here, being seen with me was out of the question.

But then Kenzi had walked into my dad’s office and she was one of the prettiest women I had ever seen. She was almost ethereal in her beauty, all pink hair and pixie like features, including her height. I wasn’t tall, at only 5’3, but she was at least a few inches shorter than me, and I was instantly crushing on the new girl. She hadn’t noticed I was there at first, and I used that time to get a good look at her.

I listened to her speak with my dad about the university and watched as she took the pack with all the information. I had stopped trying to make friends a long time ago but I really wanted to try with this girl.

When she finally turned and faced me I couldn’t stop the huge smile that overtook my face as I introduced myself, but when she caught my gaze with those crystal like eyes I ended up getting lost in them and trailing off, making a complete fool of myself. I was sure she knew exactly what I was thinking when she didn’t say anything, and was so embarrassed I could have cried, but after a second she introduced herself and I let out a relieved breath.

When we got to her truck and I saw that she also had a cool looking bike, I knew I was way out of my depth and decided to give her an out. She had to have been popular wherever she came from and definitely wouldn’t want to be seen with me, but when I told her this, she surprised me and told me she was never popular and hadn’t attended a school in six years. There was no way I could have ever guessed the reason why.

I don’t think she ever meant for me to find out that she was the Queen of Hell. She was really vague when I was asking her about her life before she came here, but after she nearly snapped at lunch on the first day she told me everything when she saw that I wouldn’t run from the knowledge she was about to give to me.

I probably should have run as far as possible, I was half ready to, but the fact that she was the only person that had been nice to me for so long combined with my growing crush had me staying. And when she told me her story and everything she had been through, I knew I was screwed and there was no way I was walking away from her and leaving her to face this on her own.

She is nothing like I had imagined, I had been following the stories on the news and although there were no ideas on what she looked like, some of those guys she took down were scary huge, and I had pictured her in my mind as a huge amazon warrior, dishing out vigilante justice like a vengeful goddess. And she is absolutely all of those things, just on a smaller and more vicious scale.

And as I have gotten to know her I’ve found out she’s also kind, smart, funny as hell and fiercely protective.

Something warms inside me at the thought that she believes I’m worth protecting, and the way that her eyes soften when she looks at me sometimes and the way she calls me hers has me hoping for more than just friendship. I sigh. I’m definitely screwed when it comes to Kenzi Scott.

I don’t even think she sees me the same way, and it’s not like I would be able to tell even if she did. I was embarrassingly inexperienced. I was nearly twenty one years old and I hadn’t even experienced my first kiss.

It’s not that I’d never liked anyone before, but I had never been confident growing up, always the quiet one and never believing I was pretty enough, with my too pale skin and wild curls that I could never tame. Add to that the fact that I had always been confused about my sexuality and had found both boys and girls attractive in a town full of people that openly frowned upon anything that was deemedunconventional, and I just couldn’t face all of the judgement I knew would be thrown at me if the people in this town ever found out. So I hid who I was from everyone, never dating or talking about crushes like my few friends did when we were growing up.