Page 30 of Queen of Hell

After my mother’s death, my father’s lessons grew with both his viciousness and depravity, and by the time I was fifteen I had lost count of the number of men he had me kill as part of‘learning the family business’.

For the last eight years I’ve taken his beatings and his lessons, letting them and the memories of my mother fuel me in my quest for vengeance against him and everything that he stands for. I’ve played the respectful heir, allowing him to believe that I am loyal to him and learning about the dark and depraved workings of his criminal empire, whilst working from within with the guys to take them all out once and for all.

We’ve finally been able to gather enough information to know that we can’t wait much longer. We have been working behind the scenes, doing what we can and being careful enough to cover our tracks and have them believing it’s a rival, but it isn’t enough. When I was searching his office for any connection to Kenzi I found some truly disturbing information. They have a huge deal coming up with one of the biggest players in the country besides my father, and there is no way we can let it go through. Our bastard fathers are trying to get into the skin trade and there is no way I will allow those sadistic bastards to get their hands on any girls.

We could take them out ourselves, we have definitely got the skills for it. But we need all those who would even think about trying to take their place once they are gone too scared the same fate would await them. That is why we need her.

We have to get Kenzi to see reason and hear us out. And if this doesn’t work tonight, I’m sure I will be able to come up with some creative ways to make her see sense and get her on our side.



Ipull up to the fight club and jump off my bike. I wrap the tails of my French braids, grab tonight's mask and put it on. It's a black glittery devil mask, just like the one I used when I paid Moreno a visit. After the fucking madness that was dinner and then having to explain myself to Xave before I left, the arsehole that runs this place better have a decent opponent for me tonight.

Xave was so mad when I spoke to him earlier, he’s got a stick up his arse about me pulling my knife on Clay, but that shit wasn’t my fault. The fucking dickhead needs to learn how to fucking listen and stop pushing me. I had to talk to Poppy afterwards about how we are grown women that can handle our own shit, and how we don’t need to run straight to Xave every time we have a small issue that we could easily take care of. I can’t really blame her for texting him though, for a minute I really was contemplating pushing the knife all the way into his neck just to see how far his blood would go.

I walk into the building and spot the arsehole in charge. I walk up to him and he gives me a look that has me wanting to grab my blade and stab him a couple of times.

“Back again, little girl?” He asks with a sneer. “You cost me two good fighters on Monday, why the fuck should I let you back in my ring?”

“Firstly, if that is your standard for good fighters, you’ve got some fucking low standards. Second, those men were a fucking perverts and you’re lucky I didn’t put them both down and let them walk out the ring relatively unscathed,” I say smirking at him. “I hope you’ve got something better for me tonight.”

“Oh, I've got something for you all right. Tonight you’re going to be put in your place and realise this isn’t a fucking game you can play and win, little girl,” he tells me with a smirk. I start giggling and the smirk on his face quickly drops.

“I don’t know what the fuck you’re up to arsehole, but if you try to set me up I can guarantee that it won’t go well for you.”

I start making my way to the ring, looking around for the Crew and don’t see them anywhere.Maybe I’ll be able to get through tonight without having to deal with the arsehole squad,I think to myself as I walk into the ring but it seems that I’ve spoken too soon. As soon as I’m in the ring the arseholes in question appear out of nowhere, with Clay stepping into the ring and facing me.

“Nuh-uh. No fucking way,” I tell him.

“Kenzi-” he starts, but I instantly cut him off.

“No, Clay. What the actual fuck is wrong with you? I literally just had my knife at your throat and now you'rehere. You and your brothers must have a serious fucking death wish to keep coming at me like this,” I say with a sneer.

“I need to talk to you,” he says, hands up in a gesture that’s probably supposed to make him seem like less of a threat, but only manages to make me angrier with this whole situation.

“So you get into the ring with me? How the fuck does that work? Just how much talking do you think you’ll be getting done when I’m kicking your worthless arse around this ring?” I ask him, letting my anger settle inside me, the giggling in my head starting up.

“Please, Kenzi, just hear me out,” he tries again.

“No. I’m not doing this. How do you know I won’t just decide to finish what I started and finally get you out of my life for good?” I snarl at him, the giggling getting louder as my temper starts to get the better of me and I imagine all the ways I could end his life and finally rid myself of the problem that is ClayFuckingMaguire. He looks at me and his stormy eyes soften slightly.

“You made Xave a promise. The Kenzi I knew would never break her promises,” he tells me confidently.The fucking audacity of this guy! I should rip his fucking tongue out and choke him with it!

“That’s fucking rich coming from you, considering you ran at the first sign of fucking trouble and left him to pick up the fucking pieces,” I throw at him with a smirk as he flinches at my words. “And how many fucking times do I have to tell you, Clay? The Kenzi you knew died that night and I’m the monster that was unleashed.”I can’t fucking do this! I turn to the ref and scowl at him. “I’m not doing this. Fucking get someone else!”

“There is no one else. If you don’t fight me, you don’t fight anyone,” Clay says, his arms folded across his chest and a smug look on his face, like he knows he’s finally got me cornered.

“You have got to be fucking kidding me!” I shout at him.

I feel like stamping my feet and having a fucking tantrum in the middle of the ring at his words.He is fucking infuriating! Oh! And just wait until I get my hands on the slimy bastard that runs this place. I’m going to really enjoy gutting that arsehole!

“What the fuck do you want from me Clayton?” I ask him, knowing there is no way I’m going to be able to get out of this if I hope to fight tonight.

“For you to finally hear me out,” he answers.

I look around the ring and notice people getting restless, wanting the fight to begin. Then I look at the three dickheads in Clay’s corner. Elijah is looking as uninterested as every other time I’ve seen him, but I know he’s taking in everything that is going on around him. Rafael is looking at me with a challenge in his eyes and a smirk on his face, and Wyatt is looking back at me with something that looks suspiciously like hope in his eyes.What the fuck is that about?