Page 27 of Queen of Hell

I picked her up out of the shower and carried her from her house to mine. My parents were on a trip for their anniversary, so I didn’t have to worry about them walking in and finding us covered in blood. I took her up to my room and through to my bathroom. Kenzi was still completely out of it in my arms, so I turned on the shower and once it was warm I carried her into it and just let the warm water rinse away what it could while I held her, telling her she was safe and that I would protect her. After a while she stirred in my arms and was able to stand on her own, so I went and grabbed her something to change into and left her to shower. I used the bathroom in my parents’ bedroom to get cleaned up and by the time I had grabbed a bag to put our bloody clothes in and made it back to my bedroom, she was asleep curled up in the middle of my bed.

I grabbed her things from the bathroom and shoved them into the bag and then got to work making it look like the night had never happened. I didn’t know what had happened before I found Kenzi, but I was going to make sure she was safe. I sat at my computer using all my skills and connections with the criminals of the city and by the time the sun rose the next morning all of the evidence of what had happened was gone and it looked like nothing had happened the night before.

Kenzi slept all day and when she woke up she didn’t speak for nearly a week. It was like she was on autopilot, just going through the motions, but her once bright eyes had dulled and were vacant. When she finally spoke to me and told me what she remembered from that day, I finally learned just how changed she was after that night. Gone was the quiet girl I knew before that night happened, andthatwas when shit became real.

I swallow down the whisky and make my way back into my computer room to clean up the mess, and huff out a chuckle as I remember what a clusterfuck those first few months were.

Clay had disappeared and Kenzi went on a fucking rampage around the city, killing any criminal she came across. My skills were being fucking tested as I tried to make sure no one found out who she was, and also tried to get rid of any evidence that linked her to any of the murders. I had to come up with a plan fast, as Kenzi had a habit of finding the most gruesome way she could to kill, carving the Queen of Hell drawing into her victims. She was making quite the name for herself, so I started compiling videos of the aftermath, distributing them and hiring my own men to clean the scenes. Over time it made her the most feared assassin in the country and also helped me become known as the best Cleaner in the city.

Our plans had to change after that night and I used what we had to our advantage. Kenzi is still hellbent on getting away from the city, but not abandoning it completely now. After what happened to her, she was never going to have a normal life, so we adapted the plan to our new reality. Kenzi gets her business management degree from one of the most elite universities in the country for a Tech business that will also be our new front, and she satiates the demons that want her to kill by meeting out justice on the countries criminal and corrupt as the Queen of Hell. Whilst I do what I do best as her point of contact for jobs and ensuring no one finds out who she really is.

I bend down and pick up the glass, thinking about the fact Clay is back in the picture after disappearing for six years. Kenzi didn’t want to know where he was, she wouldn’t even allow him to be brought up in conversation. It always made her especially stabby when she thought about him, but I needed to know what happened to him after that night. I tried to find him once things had calmed down, but even with all the resources I had at my disposal, there was no trace of him or his family anywhere.

According to Kenzi, he’s changed and isn’t the same boy we once knew. And Poppy said his father and his friends' fathers ran the town.Has he been there this whole time? Fuck! There is so much I don’t know yet, and too much that could go so fucking wrong. I know she won’t hesitate to kill him if she believes it’s the only way. She has only given me the next two weeks as a courtesy towards my own feelings for our friend. It’s just enough time to get her new playroom ready, but I’ll kill him myself before I ever let her do it. There’s no way she would survive it, no matter how much she claims to hate him. However, I’m too far away to deal with Clay and protect her.

With that thought, I throw the broken glass in the bin and sit back at my desk knowing exactly what I need to do. I start tapping the keys on my keyboard, bringing up multiple windows on the screens and get to work, my mind made up. I have got so much to do before Kenzi’s place in WinterHill is ready next weekend. I start searching for any information on The Crew and their families, as well as getting all the information I can on WinterHill. I also decide to search deeper into the university. Something is definitely not right with that place and I’m going to find out what it is.

With the final window on the screen I put the last part of my plan into action and begin the process of getting myself set up in the house in WinterHill. It’s big enough that I can set up a couple of rooms for myself and I work on getting all my equipment sent there. I calm slightly at the thought of being close to her again. Not only will I be there to protect her if she needs me, but maybe this is my chance to finally make her mine. I’ve also got to figure out a way to deal with Clay, but that will be a million times easier when I’m there.

There is no fucking way I’m going to let her down again. I may finally lose her for good if that happens, and it would kill me more than any fucking weapon could.



We’re at dinner on Thursday, and I haven’t had any incidents involving the arseholes of the Goon Squad for the past few days. I definitely don’t trust it, they have been suspiciously absent, and although Poppy has told me that it’s actually a regular occurrence, I want to know what the fuck they’re up to.

Poppy and I are sitting at the table we claimed on Monday, and I have the perfect view of their entrance into the hall. They swagger in through the doors and come to a stop, each of them looking around the hall for something. Or someone. I watch them as I eat a slice of pizza and as each of their eyes land on me the giggles start up in anticipation of what’s about to happen here. As one, they all turn and start heading in my direction.

“Poppy, move over to this side of the table.” She has her back to the door so hasn’t seen them yet, but at my words she looks up and turns to see what I am looking at and quickly jumps up, bringing herself to my side. I stand up and make my way round to the front of the table as they advance so I am in between them and her. I grab another slice of pizza and take a bite as they get to the table, not taking my eyes off them for even a second.

“What can I do for you boys? You’re interrupting my dinner and you wouldn’t like to see what I get like when I’m hangry.”

“I really don’t see it, there’s just no way,” Wyatt says, never taking his eyes off of me.

“Seriously, what the fuck do you want? I haven’t got time for your bullshit today.”

“Yeah, me neither. She's just a tiny woman with a big attitude,” Rafael pipes in with a smirk on his face. “I can think of a better use for that mouth other than you standing there running it.”

“She probably wouldn’t know what to do even if you showed her an instruction video whilst shoving your cock down her throat, brother.” Fucking Elijah this time. I push down the images in my head that his words cause.This is not the fucking time to be indulging in sordid fantasies.I don’t know what the fuck they are trying to achieve, but all they are doing is pissing me off. I look at Clay and roll my eyes.

“Didn’t we talk about this, Clay?” I ask him. He looks at me and I see his resolve start to waver before he steels himself once more.

“What are you doing here, Kenzi?”

“Uh, trying to eat my dinner in peace. Which, I might add, I was doing rather successfully until you bunch of fucking boyband rejects turned up at my table,” I place my pizza onto the plate and hear Poppy gasp behind me, but I don’t turn towards her. I refuse to take my gaze off the threat in front of me.

“No wars, Kenz. You promised.”

All four of them turn their gazes towards Poppy and the giggles in my head get louder at their interest in her. Wyatt lets out a loud bark of a laugh, which gains the unwanted attention of the nearby tables, before his face completely drops.

“You don’t want to go to war with us, fairy girl. Hasn’t Marks told you how things go around here?” He sneers at me, and I hear Poppy’s quiet whimper of distress behind me.

I lean myself back and hop up onto the table, scooting back slightly so I can cross my legs and look completely at ease with my hands in my lap. I look around and notice that even more people are paying attention to our exchange.

“And I told you Poppy is under my protection. You don’t get to even look at her if you want to keep those pretty green eyes of yours in your head, Wyatt,” I tell him, just loud enough for us to hear. He looks at me, those same eyes alight with challenge as he scoffs at me.

“Unfortunately for you, that’s not how things work around here, princess.” Rafael says, looking down at me. “You see,weare the kings of this town. We run this place, and we decide what happens here.”