Page 25 of Queen of Hell

“Firstly, can I just say that the guy who owns the place is a bastard and the men he had me fight were dirty perverts who I should have killed in the ring so no one else would ever have to put up with them.”

“Wait,what?” Poppy exclaims, whipping her head up to look at me. “Men? As inmore than one?”

“Yeah, two of them,” I say with a shrug. “They weren’t much of a challenge though, too easy to anger. So maybe get me just one opponent next time who can give me a proper workout, Xave.”

“Focus, Kenz. I need to know what happened with Clay.”

“Well, after dealing with the bastard who runs the place, I made my way to the ring and he was standing in the middle of it, being announced as the winner of his fight.”

“Clay was fighting?” He asks, just as shocked as I was at seeing him there. Clay never even liked watching fights on T.V when we were younger.

“Yeah, I guess we’re not the only ones who have changed, Xave. I didn't see it, but if the blood covering him was any indication, it was brutal.”

“Okay, we’ll come back to that later. What happened next?”

“I fought two disgusting perverts and won, of course. And although I couldn’t kill them, one of them may now be blind in at least one of his eyes, and the other definitely won’t be walking for a while,” I say with a smile as Poppy’s mouth drops open and I hear Xave’s chuckle come through the phone speaker. “Anyway, Clay and his band of Merry Dickheads stuck around to ambush me after my fight and find out who I was and what I’m doing at WinterHill.”

“How do you think they found out you were the same girl who started at the university? You told me they never saw you today.”

“Well, um, pink hair isn’t really a thing here,” Poppy tells him. “And they would have definitely asked around to see if anyone knew anything.” She looks at me with a small smile. “Anyone with even half a brain cell would have been able to put two and two together and realise the pink haired woman who's never been seen at the fight club is the same woman who started here today.” Xave lets out a groan at Poppy’s statement.

“Anyway,” I continue quickly, knowing he’s going to want to question me on anything else I may have failed to mention about this place, and not wanting to have the conversation about there never being a new student here, despite the waiting list, with Poppy in the same room. Not when it's her father I paid to ensure my place here. “They asked me who I was and I told them it was none of their business so they boxed me in and tried to intimidate me. Then when that didn’t work and I wouldn’t remove my mask, Rafael, Wyatt and Elijah grabbed me so Clay could do it himself.”

“I swear to the fucking gods, Kenz,” Xave growls. “If I get my hands on those arseholes-”

“Oh, but Xave,” I say, smiling and cutting him off. “You should have seen Clay’s face when he finally realised who he was dealing with. It was fucking beautiful.” I giggle when he huffs out a breath and mumbles something I can't quite hear.

“What happens now, Kenz?” Poppy asks, squeezing my hands. “I mean, he knows who you really are. What if he tells the others? The Crew is ruthless. If they don’t want you here they make your life hell until you’ve got no choice but to leave, if only to make it stop. I’d have been gone a long time ago if it wasn’t for the fact that my dad’s the Dean.” She lets go of my hands and rubs at the wrist with the scar I noticed earlier.

“Oh, I can guarantee they all knowexactlywho I am by now. Clay and his fucking dickhead friends pissed me off, so I wanted them to know just who they were fucking with. I told Clay if they didn’t let me go I would give them a demonstration of what I could do.” Xave groans, knowing exactly what I mean by that.

“Did you end up hurting them, Kenz? Have I got to get rid of any evidence you were there?” I hear Xave tapping his keyboard, no doubt getting ready to hack into the local cameras and delete any images of me in the area.

“It was a close call. Wyatt nearly lost his hand. But, no.” I pout, which makes Poppy giggle. “Anyway, the Three Stooges weren’t happy when they had to let me go, so I told Clay to tell them who I am because I’m here to stay and I will not be so courteous if they decide to pull that shit on me again.” I look at Poppy. “Then, I told them you were under my protection and I’d see them in class tomorrow and left. See, Xave, I can be a good girl,” I say looking back down at the phone. “Besides, I can always kill them later if they don't listen and end up becoming a problem.”

“Kenzi, you can’t just kill them for messing with you,” Poppy tells me. “They’re definitely not nice guys, but too many questions would be asked if they disappeared. Their parents run this town remember.”

“What?” Xave bites out. “Kenzi, just what else have you forgotten to tell me?”

Fuck! I totally forgot about that.

“Well, what do you expect with everything else that happened today, Xave. Sorry I forgot that little tidbit of information, but I was a bit preoccupied with trying not to stab anyone,” I tell him. “Besides, I gave you their names. I would have thought you would know everything about them by now.” I gasp dramatically. “Don’t tell me The Great Xavier Ambrose couldn’t find something with his amazing superhuman tech skills.” It’s a total deflection, but it works perfectly.

“I’ve been a bit busy today too, trying to get your new place ready and then getting you into the fight, you little brat,” he growls with a chuckle. I hear him once again tapping his keyboard, probably starting to put together files on the arsehole squad. “I’ll get on it now. I’ve also got you a job this weekend in the city. Some scumbag politician that has been buying and abusing underage girls. It’s an anonymous client, but the intel is solid and the pay’s good.”

“What the fuck, Xave? I want everything you can get on this arsehole. I want to know how long he’s been buying girls for and how the fuck he’s been getting away with that shit in my city. I'm going to castrate the bastard before making him choke on his own shrivelled fucking maggot dick.” I furrow my brow as I think back to the other night, there’s no way that shit is just a coincidence. “Xave, you also need to find out if there’s any connection to what happened the night before I came here. I need to know if there’s a new player on the board and where the fuck they came from.”

“I’m on it. I’ll have whatever I find ready for when you get here.”

“Perfect. I can come down, do the job and then drive back here Sunday,” I say, already working it all out. “We’ve only got one lecture on Friday morning, so I can grab some stuff and be out of here by lunch.” I think about having to spend the next four days around the Crew, then say, “You should probably get me back into the fight club this week, Xave, and make it a good one. I’ve got a feeling I’m going to need it to stop me from gutting our friend and his boys before the week is out.”

“It’s already done. You’ve got another fight Thursday night. Just try not to kill anyone before we figure anything else out.” His voice takes on a stern tone he should know doesn’t work on me.

“Yes, Daddy,” I say with a smile and as much sass as I can. I roll my eyes at Poppy and she tries to hide her giggle behind her hand.

“Kenzi,” he groans. I hear the creak of his chair and picture him curled over his desk with his head in his hands, the way I’ve seen him a million times before when he’s worried about what I’m going to do, and my smile drops.

“I promise I have no plans on going anywhere near the Brotherhood of Bullies, Xave,” I tell him to try and relieve him a little.