Page 78 of Queen of Hell

Imake my way through the hallway, music and voices growing louder the closer I get to the doorway. It’s been nearly an hour since I arrived and two of the four men are sleeping soundly, chained in my basement, with the third on his way to join them. Now all I need to do is find Rafael so we can grab the king of the arsehole daddies, then I can finally get out of here.

I smile as I think of how easily it had been to overpower Clay’s and Wyatt’s dad’s.

Mr. Maguire had recognised me, even with my mask. I had seen it in the widening of his eyes when he first looked at me, the way his mouth dropped opened in surprise before he regained his composure, demanding to know what was going on.

After Clay had refused to answer him, stepping out and closing the door on us, Mr Maguire had spun back to me, spouting some bullshit about the incompetence of the men they had working for them and how they were so dumb they couldn’t even notify him when such an important delivery had arrived.

He had then tried to explain why he had brought me to WinterHill and what myrolewould be here.

My demons roared in my head as he spoke about being trained to serve, punishments if I disobeyed, and how maybe I should show my gratitude for him getting me out of the squalor I was surely living in by getting on my knees.

I had jumped him then, snarling in his face and smiling at the fear in his eyes as I placed a blade to his throat and told him I was going to enjoy feeding him his shrivelled little maggot dick for thinking he could take me on. Then I stabbed him with the needle and giggled as the sedative took him under.

Mayor St. James had been even easier. He had taken one look at me leaning against the desk and had automatically assumed I was a prostitute, sitting in the chair as he told me I had better be worth whatever his son had paid for me.

I had smiled at him, leaning off the desk and walking around him in the chair as I trailed my fingers along his chest, placing my hand on his shoulder when I was at his back. Then I had told him I was worth every penny, stabbing him with the needle and letting him topple out of the chair as he quickly fell unconscious.

Elijah’s dad had been slightly harder. Inspector Dawson had been trained at one point in his life and had tried to put up a fight, but the years had made him lazy, and I was faster. He had dodged my first attempt, trying to grab me, but I had easily evaded him as he lurched from the chair. He had spun on me, swinging his meaty fists towards my head making me drop into a crouch, swinging my leg to take him off his feet. He had stumbled, swinging his arms wildly as he fell back, breaking the chair as he collapsed on top of it, giving me the opportunity to straddle his chest. Elijah had burst through the door just as I was plunging the needle into his father’s neck, the look of complete shock on his face at the scene in front of him making me giggle.

I peer through the open door at the end of the hallway, casting my eyes over everyone for a few minutes in my effort to locate Rafe and give him the signal that I’m ready, but I can’t find him anywhere within the sea of masked faces surrounding me.

I let out a low growl as I stalk into the room.Fucking typical. That miserable arsehole had argued with me over every part of tonight's plan, screwing up his pretty boy face at every fucking turn, and now he can’t even be where he’s supposed to be.

I continue to scan the crowd as I walk around the edge of the room, coming to an abrupt stop when I catch sight of the one person that shouldn’t be here. Walking through the centre of the room, surrounded by guards, his face set in a grim line, is GregoryFuckingPrice.

My breathing quickens as the giggling starts up in my head, my blood vibrating through my veins as my heart rate increases, my vision narrowing until all I can see is him. My hand goes to my thigh, grabbing my blade as I take a step in his direction.

Before I make it more than a few steps towards him, large arms grab me up, dragging me into a dark hallway, a hand covering my mouth as I snarl and struggle in his hold. I flip the knife in my hand and push it into the guy’s leg as he drags me into a room, receiving only a grunt in response as he pulls the blade out, throwing it behind him before slamming me face first into the nearest wall.

“You’re going to pay for that, princess,” he growls into my ear, bringing his hand down from my mouth to wrap around my neck as I struggle against his hold.

Rafael Fucking Monroe.

“What the fuck are you playing at? Let me go, Rafael,” I snarl as I continue to struggle and he pushes into me so our bodies are flush, pushing me further into the wall until I am unable to move.

“I could ask you the same thing. What the fuck were you doing out there, Kenzi? You could have compromised the whole job if I hadn’t got to you in time. I will not let you fuck this up for us because you have no fucking impulse control.”

“What the fuck is Price even doing here? He’s not supposed to arrive for another hour. That wasyourlousy intel, Rafael,” I scoff at him. “But now that heishere, I don’t see any reason not to slit his throat and dance around his dying body as his blood coats the floor beneath my feet.”

Rafael’s hand tightens slightly around my throat, a low groan leaving him as he pushes into me and I gasp as his erection digs into my back.

“It seems you like that idea just as much as I do,” I say, pushing myself into him. “We could go back out there and put an end to this right now.”

The hold he has around me loosens as he brings his hand up to brush his fingers across the top of my chest.

“We could,” he says as he starts to move his hand down my body, feathering his fingers down the side of my breast before continuing down. He stops his descent when he reaches my hip, the hand around my throat squeezing as he grips my hip tightly. “But what happens when his and my father’s guards swarm us, outnumbering us twenty five to one,huh?”

His grip on my body and the thought of spilling so much blood has my pulse pounding beneath the hand around my throat, a shiver working through me that I don’t even try to hide.

“We kill them all,” I say, my voice a breathy moan.

His hand squeezes my waist before continuing his descent, coming round my front to travel down my thigh and bunch in the fabric at the split. My breathing becomes heavier at the contact, arousal pooling in my centre as I imagine those fingers moving through the split in my dress, moving further across my skin and plunging inside me to ease the ache he’s awakened with his touch.

“We’d never make it out alive. I knew you were insane, but I didn’t realise you had a fucking death wish.”

His hand moves again, slipping underneath my dress and roughly cupping my pussy, pushing against me, causing my breath to hitch as I rock into his palm and he chuckles darkly.

“You’re soaked,” he tells me, rubbing the palm of his hand against my wet underwear. “Are you that depraved that the thought of killing them gets you off, princess?”