Page 71 of Queen of Hell

I pull up to the steps, beeping the horn a couple of times before jumping out and opening the back door as Xave comes out the house making his way towards me. He drops a kiss onto the top of my head as he stops beside me before chuckling at the way Sullivan is bent up in the back seat.

“Hey, don’t judge, arsehole. I may be fucking awesome but dead weight is still dead weight and I had to drag that heavy motherfucker from the front seat,” I say as Xave bends down to drag Sullivan out and sling him over his shoulder as if he weighs nothing. “Fucking show off,” I mumble to his back as he starts to make his way to the house.

“Where do you want him?” Xave asks as I follow him through the door and we make our way down to the playroom.

“Stick him on the cross. I want to play with my new toy tonight.” I tell him with a wicked smile.

Xave walks through the room, flipping Sullivan off his shoulder and against the steel. I help to secure the restraints around his wrists and ankles, squealing as I step back to take in the sight of him laid out with his arms and legs spread in front of me. I twirl around to grab a trolley, giving it a push before jumping on it and gliding over to my tools to the sound of Xave’s laughter.

Humming to myself, I pull the trolley along, grabbing knives, scalpels, pliers, scissors, and bolt cutters, placing them on top. I walk along the shelving a few times looking for something special to use. This one’s personal and I want him to know exactly how I feel about their plans for me.

I cast my eyes over a few different sized blowtorches wondering if they would be hot enough to melt his skin off, but the thought of having to deal with the smell of singed hair and burning flesh has my nose scrunching up in distaste.

I grab the smallest one, I don’t want this arsehole to die on me too soon so I may need to cauterise some of the deeper wounds I intend to cause him.

My eyes land on the nail gun next to them and smile.It’s perfect.

I’m going to turn Philip Sullivan into a human pincushion. I grab it and place it on the trolley along with a box of nails and make my way back over to Xave.

“How long until he wakes up?” he asks, tilting his head towards the still unconscious man.

“Maybe five minutes,” I say, turning to face him. “How long until the clean up crew arrives?”

“A few hours, so you’ve got some time to play before they get here,” he says as he takes a look over my selection of toys on the trolley. “A nail gun, Kenz,really?”

“Why not? I’m going to turn him into a pincushion, I’ve never done that before,” I say with a smile as I look over to Sullivan all laid out like the perfect sacrifice. “I wonder how many nails I can stick him with before he dies. Oh, just how good is the soundproofing down here?” I ask as I turn back to face Xave.

“It’s perfect, of course. No one will be able to hear anything that happens in this room.”

“Good. Now, you need to go upstairs and stay with Poppy. I don’t think she’s quite ready to see this side of what I do.” I say looking towards the stairs, as if just thinking about her seeing the worst part of me would conjure her here.

“Come and find us when you’re done down here. I’m sure I can think of something that will distract our princess until then,” he says with a grin.

We walk across the room to the stairs and Xave bends down to kiss me, pulling back before it can get too heated.

“Have fun, baby.”

“Oh, I will,” I smirk.

He chuckles before turning and going up the stairs to Poppy. I look up at the masks on the shelves next to the door and grab a glittery red devil mask and slip it over my head as I make my way back to the now stirring man.

He opens his eyes and his head moves from side to side taking in the room as he squirms on the cross, pulling his arms and legs in an effort to get free. His eyes land on me and I walk to stand in front of him, pulling the trolley with me. He looks from me to the trolley and back again, the look of confusion disappearing as he smiles and starts to laugh.

“What’s so funny?” I ask when he’s finally finished.

“You,” he says, still grinning. “You have no idea what you’ve done. You’ll be dead before morning. They’ll be coming for you as soon as they find out I’m missing.”

“Oh no,” I gasp out with all the fake concern I can muster. “Well, it seems like we haven’t got much time, then. I had better get to work,” I tell him with a smile as I pick up one of the bigger knives from the trolley. I step between his spread legs and lean forward, grabbing his collar, slicing his shirt down the middle, letting it fall open.

“I’ve got a few questions for you, Philip. I would suggest that you answer them honestly,” I tell him, putting down the knife and picking up the pliers, spinning them in my hand.

“I’m not telling you shit,” he spits at me. “Just what do you think you’re going to do? You’re a little girl playing a dangerous game,” he looks me up and down, his oily grin taking over his face. “If you let me go now, I’m sure we can come up with some kind of deal where I don’t tell anyone what happened tonight. For a price, of course.”

“Of course,” I sneer, the giggling loud in my head as I put the pliers down and decide that scissors would be better. I walk around the cross until I am near his head and lean over him, waving the scissors in front of his eyes. “I know just what that price would be, Philip, and I’m going to have to decline your offer. Here’s my counter offer,” I tell him before shoving the scissors in his face and cutting through both his nostrils, watching them flap with every breath he takes as he screams in pain.

I giggle at the sight of his nostrils looking like a tiny pair of wings as I make my way back to the trolley and grab the pliers.

“You obviously don’t know who I am,” I say as I make my way back to him, “Which is surprising considering you had so much to say about me with Thomas Maguire earlier this evening.”