Page 7 of Queen of Hell

We were inseparable.

Xave became like a big brother, always looking out for me from next door and giving me a place to stay and recover if I needed it. He was my rock, an unmovable boulder within a tumultuous sea. He was my calm, always content to just sit in silence until I was ready to talk.

Clay was different, we spent every moment we could together. At first, it was because we were the same age and were in the same classes. But as the years went on we grew closer, and six months before the night that changed my life, he gave me my first kiss. After that he became my first and only boyfriend.

Untilthat night.

Until he and Xavier found me in the shower covered in blood with no memories of how I got there.

Xave chose to stand by me that night, Claydidn't. He completely freaked out. Told me I was sick, that we were done and he never wanted to see me again. My heart shattered more thoroughly than my mind that night. I had loved him with all of it and he broke it into a million jagged shards. He moved away with his family a week later and we never saw him again.

I couldn't really blame him. I saw the state of the place, the marks carved into the dead men as Xavier carried me out of there that night.

It took me months to recover all the memories of what I did that night. The night the Queen of Hell was born. I've spent every night since making the bad men pay.

The first three months were hell on Xavier. Dealing with a heartbroken fifteen-year-old would have been hard enough… but a heartbroken fifteen-year-old who had gone slightly insane… who went around killing any bad guy she got her hands on…

Yeah, it wasn’t pretty.

He had to learn how to keep me anonymous to London’s criminal empire pretty quickly, erasing CCTV footage and cleaning up my savage kills, while also finding a way to fund the clean-up and tech he needed, by making me one of the most feared assassins in the UK and filming and distributing the aftermath of anyone who crossed me.

When I finally got my emotions under control enough to control the insanity plaguing my mind and remember the events of that night, I vowed I would never letanyonemake me feel powerless again. That I would never trust anyone apart from Xavier, and that’s the way it stayed.

I’ve got no reason to be ashamed of what I do. I may be due a one-way fucking ticket to Crazy Town on behalf of the demons in my head that need me to kill things, but I have only ever gone after thebad guys, the criminals, and the gang members. Never innocents.

I fight hard for the tiny bit of sanity Idohave left every fucking day. IknowI’m not normal, but the way I see itnormalis fucking relative anyway. Who’s to say it isn’t everyone else who’s lost their minds and I’m the only sane person around?

I chuckle as Ruelle’s Monsters starts up on the playlist.This could be my theme song, I think to myself. I am definitely the monster under many people's beds. I sing along, belting out the lyrics as I see WinterHill University getting closer and closer. It looks like something out of a gothic novel. The university is a large castle style building in the middle of two smaller buildings, surrounded from behind and around both sides by forest and snow-peaked mountains. The only road in or out is the one I’m on, leading to the gates I’m pulling up to.

I stop next to a guard station just outside the gates and smile at the guard behind the glass.These people must have some money to warrant a fucking guard station at the gates to keep them safe.

“You lost, Miss?” The guard asks while staring at my hair.

“Um, no?” It comes out a question instead of the statement it should have been. The guy hasn’t taken his eyes off my hair and it’s making me feel a bit self-conscious.

“You don’t sound too sure there, Miss. Where were you heading? I’ll give you some directions and we’ll get you on your way.”

He sounds genuine enough, but he still hasn’t taken his eyes off my hair and I’m starting to get rather fucked off with his rudeness. The giggles start up in my head.Fuck, I need to get away from this guy before my demons decide he would be a good toy to play with. My eyes narrow as I tilt my head.

“As I just said: I’m not lost. I’m exactly where I’m supposed to be, and I’d appreciate it if you actually looked at me while you’re talking, rather than just staring at my hair like it’s some sort of fucking alien perched on top of my head.”

The guard startles when he realises how rude he’s been, and starts laughing.

“I’m so sorry, Miss. I wasn’t intentionally trying to be rude. It’s just your hair is quite... different, there’s certainly no one else here with hair quite that colour. Again, my apologies, Miss.”

Fuck!It’ll be so much harder for me to just blend in and stay invisible if I’m the only pupil with their hair dyed.

“Please, call me Kenzi,” I tell him, the giggles going silent, calmed by his sincerity. “I’m starting here on Monday, so I’m definitely in the right place,” I explain, giving him a small smile. It might be a good idea to befriend this guy.

“Sorry again, Miss Kenzi. I really didn’t mean to stare. If I could just get a copy of your ID, I can check you off my list and issue you with a gate key.”

I hand him over my licence to get the formalities over with and decide to ask him some questions while I’m waiting.

“So, it’s pretty isolated out here, have you worked here long?” I figure it’s a safe place to start.

“Sure have. I’ve been here just shy of twenty years,” he replies with a smile.

“Wow, that’s quite some time. What’s it like? I can’t really see there being much trouble all the way out here.”