Page 55 of Queen of Hell

“What the fuck are we doing down here, Kenzi?” Clay asks me.

“Gods, Clay,” I say, still laughing. Icouldcontinue to play with them for a while, but I decide to put them out of their misery so I can get Wyatt’s leg fixed up and get this over with. “You guys are just too fucking easy.” I shake my head and look at each of them. “You four have been pissing me off since I got here, you can’t really blame me for having a bit of fun and getting my own back now, can you?” They all look at me with puzzled looks on their faces. “Oh. My. Gods. You four really are just pretty faces aren’t you? So fucking dense. How the fuck do you manage to have everyone at that university so scared of you?” I scoff as Poppy giggles again. “Let me say this for you slowly so that you’ll understand. You four are arseholes. So when Xave told me that I had to have you in my place, I decided I was going to have a little fun with you guys.”

“What?” Clay snarls at me. “Are you telling me you threw a knife at Wyatt just so you could get us down here and fuck with us?”

“Uh, no, Clay. I threw a knife at Wyatt because he spoke to my girl disrespectfully.Duh,” I scoff rolling my eyes. “I was bringing you arseholes down here for our chat regardless. Now, bring him over here so I can stitch his leg before he passes out from fucking blood loss,” I look over at a very pale Wyatt. “If I end up killing him by accident I’m going to be so fucking angry with the rest of you.”

“Why would you be angry with us if Wyatt died?” Elijah asks me with a tilt of his head. I whip my head in his direction, narrowing my eyes, and he holds his hands up in front of him. “I’m just trying to understand your logic.”

“I may be crazy, but I don’t kill people by fucking accident. The blade to Wyatt’s thigh was just to teach him some manners, so if he dies because you idiots are too scared to come any further into the room, of course I’m going to get mad,” I look at each of them before turning my gaze back to Elijah. “If I kill him then it’s going to be on fucking purpose and not because you four are a bunch of pussies.”

Elijah nods his head at my words and nudges Raphael to get him to start moving. I nod my head and take a deep breath before walking over to one of the glass fronted cabinets and bending down to open it and retrieve what I need.

When I turn back to face them they’ve made it to the gurney, Wyatt sitting on top of it with the rest of them standing around him watching me.

“It’s considered rude to stare in most polite circles, arseholes,” I tell them as I walk over.

When I reach them Raphael steps in front of me, holding his hand out.

“You’re not exactly polite company though,” he says and I scoff as I hand him the first aid kit, walking round him to jump onto the gurney next to Wyatt. I look over to Xave and Poppy with a nod and Xave moves her to a seat, bending to kiss her on the head before turning round and walking over.

“Okay, Clay, why are we here?” I ask him and he clears his throat before looking at me.

“I need to know why you’re here in WinterHill first, Kenzi,” he says and I roll my eyes at him.

“How many times do we have to go over this Clay? I’ve already told you why I’m here, whether or not you choose to believe that is up to you.”

“How did you get into the Uni? It’s impossible to get past the waiting listandget in so late,” he says, making me frown and tilt my head.

“What the fuck is this, Clay? I thought you wanted to talk, not ask me twenty fucking questions like it’s your right to know my business.”

“Everything about you is my business, so answer the question, Tink,” he says, folding his arms across his chest and raising an eyebrow.

“I stopped being your business when you ran out on us six years ago, Clay. So fuck you and your Alpha bullshit,” I tell him and he takes a step towards me with a growl.

“It’s important, Kenzi. I need to know if you being here had anything to do with any of our fathers,” he takes another step forward and my knees part automatically allowing him to come closer. “And you’re wrong, Tink. You’ll never stop being my business,” he growls low, his face just inches from mine.

My breath hitches and he lifts his head, a small smirk lifting his lips as he clears his throat and takes a step back as Xave steps up behind me and places his hands on my shoulders, no doubt glaring over my head at Clay.

“My being here has nothing to do with any of your fathers. Why would that even be something you would think, Clay?” I ask him, confused at the way this conversation is going.

“Because we, uh… We need to hire you,” he says, clearing his throat once more.

I look at him for a second before I start to laugh, and his shoulders slump.

“Wait, you’re serious?” I ask him. “You want to hire me? Am I useful to you now after all these years, Clay?” I sneer, suddenly angry at the fucking audacity of this arsehole.

He flinches and takes another step back as if my words were a physical hit, Xave’s hands squeeze harder on my shoulders to keep me grounded and work to calm me down slightly. I take a deep breath and let it out slowly.

“Okay, I’ll bite,” I say, with what I know is a cruel smile on my face. “If I remember correctly, you didn’t want anything to do with what I could do. What has you needing me now? I mean, from what I’ve seen, it’s not like you seemed to shy away from getting your own hands dirty in the years since you disappeared,” I scoff. “Pretty hypocritical if you ask me, considering the way you left things. Don’t you think?” He flinches again but doesn’t take his eyes off me, and I tilt my head with a frown. “Just who exactly do you want me to kill, Clay?” I ask him.

He closes his eyes and takes a deep breath before opening them again, his deep blue eyes looking straight into mine.

“My father,” he says.

“What? You want me to kill your dad?” I exclaim, and Xave’s hands tighten slightly on my shoulders.

“Not just his dad, fairy girl. All of our dads,” Wyatt says next to me and I whip my head round to look at him as he stares at me, his emerald eyes projecting nothing but the truth of his words.