Page 51 of Queen of Hell

“Clay, baby, I didn’t notice you there. Where have you been? I’ve missed you,” she says in a sickly sweet voice as she clings to him like a leech, and it has me snorting a laugh that has her head whipping back towards me.

“Seriously, Clay?” I ask him through another laugh. “This is what you're sticking your dick in these days? And she has the audacity to come over here and try to shame us for our choices. Oh, how the mighty have fallen,” I can't hold back at the ridiculousness of the sight in front of me and I let the laughter take me, doubling over and clutching at my stomach as I try to catch a breath.

I finally start to calm down and stand back up to face them. I cast my eyes over the scene in front of me. Amanda and Samantha are both looking at me with wide eyes, their mouths opening and closing like floundering fish. I look to Rafael and Wyatt stood behind them. Rafe’s eyes are glued on me, a smirk turning his lips up as if he’s looking forward to seeing whatever I’m going to do next, and Wyatt has a huge smile on his face showcasing that delicious dimple on his cheek as his green eyes sparkle with laughter.

I look over to Elijah next. He’s standing there trying to look like his usual indifferent self while he takes in everything around him, but there is a small smile trying to lift at the corner of his mouth.

Finally, I look at Clay and his pet leech Emma. Clay’s got his fists clenched at his sides, a look of disgust on his face like he can’t believe I would actually laugh at him like that, and Emma is clinging to him with a sneer on her stupid face.

“What the fuck did you say, bitch? I think it's time you realise who you’re dealing with,” she spits at me, and I hear a round of throat clearing from the guys as Clay’s hands lift to grab onto Emma’s arms.

My smile drops as my eyes travel from his hands on her arms up to his face, and he has a smug smile pulling at his mouth as he watches me, like he knows exactly what I’m thinking. Like he knows that the sight of his hands on her makes me want to close the space between us and claim what is mine.After spilling both of their blood, of course.

“Did you have anything to do with this little introduction Clay?” I ask him, completely ignoring the bimbo in his arms as she glares daggers in my direction.

“No. They were told to stay away from the both of you,” he tells me, and Emma scoffs.

“I don’t see why we should have to stop having our fun with these two,” Emma whines, and I raise my eyebrows at Clay as my mouth turns down in a sneer.

“Word of advice? Blow up Barbie needs a tighter fucking leash. The next time she gets lost, she may not find her way back,” I tell him as Emma gasps. “Oh, and Clay,” I say with a sweet smile plastered on my face. “The next time this bitch wants to open her mouth about mine and Poppy’s relationship I’m going to break her fucking jaw. Who I decide to fuck is no ones business and I expect it to be kept that way,” I say as my eyes drop to look at her. “Let’s see you try to suck Clay’s dick with your jaw wired shut.”

Hmm, maybe I’ll do it anyway, I think to myself as the thought of her mouth anywhere near him has a sneer crossing my face.

“What? Are you just going to let her speak to us like that?” She asks looking up at him, her voice becoming screechy as she starts to lose it.

“Shut up, Emma,” Clay tells her, not taking his eyes off me.

“What? You can’t speak to me like that! Who the hell is this bitch?” She cries.

“I said shut the fuck up, Emma. You and your idiot friends need to get the fuck out of here, and if you say a fucking word to anyone about anything, it won’t be the new girl you have to worry about,” he tells her, finally lowering his eyes to hers. “You are only where you are because we put you there, you need to remember that.”

“But, Clay,baby-” she starts to whine, but Clay cuts her off before her nasally whinging can do any more damage to my poor abused eardrums.

“Fuck off back to the dorms, Emma, and don’t leave for the rest of the night. You are to stay away from these two and I do not want to hear anyone talking about what just happened. Ever,” he lets go of her and takes a step back. “Do not test me on this, Emma. Now leave.”

She huffs out a breath of frustration before storming off towards the door, the bimbo bots following close behind her as she rushes out of the room.

“Nice friends you’ve got there boys. Real fucking peaches,” I say, as I turn my gaze to the men now towering over me. I tilt my head up to Clay. “From the way you just dismissed the bitch brigade, I’m going to choose to believe that you had nothing to do with them coming over here today. But I’m serious Clay, if she says anything about my relationship with Poppy to a single person, I will make it so she can never open her mouth again.”

“Well, if you take away her mouth, you're going to have to find something to replace it,” he tells me, a smirk covering his face. “And you are at the perfect height to-”

“Do not finish that sentence,” I tell him, cutting him off before images of just what he has in mind can start playing in my head.

Too late, I think to myself as an image of me on my knees in front of him as he’s thrusting into my mouth, hands gripping my hair, looking down at me with fire in his eyes as tears and saliva spill down my face as he takes his pleasure from me, comes barrelling to the front of my mind, and I can’t stop the shiver that works its way down my spine as heat rushes through me.

The smirk that’s still on his stupid face tells me he knows exactly what effect his words have on me, and I growl at him, which only causes him to chuckle at my display.Fucking cocky arsehole.

“Sooo,” Wyatt says, drawing out the word and making me turn to look up at him. He still has that huge smile on his face, eyes alight with mischief, and I just know I’m not going to like what he has to say next. “You and Poppy, huh? I’ve got to say, that’s pretty fucking hot, fairy girl.”

“Not your fucking business, Wyatt, so keep your tongue in your mouth before I cut it out,” I growl at him, and his smile grows wider, deepening the dimple in his cheek until all I can think about is dipping my tongue into it as I lick the salty taste of his sweat off his skin as we’re a tangled mess. I shake my head to rid myself of its riotous thoughts and turn my eyes back to Clay. “It’s time for that little chat you were so desperate to have,” I tell him and I watch as his shoulders slump in relief.

“Kenzi, thank you. I don’t even know where to begin,” he says.

“Don’t thank me just yet, we’re doing this on my terms,” I say as I turn to look at the rest of them before landing back on him. “You’re going to meet me out front in ten minutes and then follow me to a place where we can talk without being overheard.”

“And why would we blindly follow you anywhere? You may look all small and delicate, but we all know what you really are. How do we know you’re not just taking us somewhere to try and get rid of us?” Rafael scoffs at me.

“In all honesty, I really couldn’t give a fuck what you want to believe. You four wanted this, remember? Not me,” I tell him, tilting my head. “So I will be outside in ten minutes, and if you're not there I’ll leave without you. I’ve got more important things to be worried about than four overprivileged arseholes pussying out of a meeting they pestered me for.”