Page 5 of Queen of Hell

Although,I think to myself,I'm going to have to get him to hold back on sending this one out until I get more answers.

When I'm done I reach towards him, searching his pockets for any type of identification and find nothing.

I walk back towards the door peeling off my dress and dropping it behind me as I go, only stopping to grab my bag and phone off the trolley and kick off my trainers. I keep walking, out of the playroom and towards the shower room, thinking about everything Tweedledumber said before I killed him, but I'm left with more questions than I started with.

Fuck!I need to speak to Xavier about this. I've got no idea who would be after me asjustKenzi,and although I know there are quite a few despicable characters who would love to see my head mounted on their wall like some kind of horror movie hunting trophy,noneof them would be insane enough to go after the Queen of Hell.

So what in the Gods damned fucking hell is going on?

* * *

Xavier arrives just as I enter the corridor from the large changing room closet combo on the other side of the shower room. He doesn’t look shocked to see me, he just walks towards the playroom with his camera to record what he needs before joining me in the soundproofed office near the front of the building.

“Okay, Kenz, do you want to tell me what is going on?” He asks as takes his phone from his ear and enters the office, closing the door behind him.

“They were sent to kidnap me,” I tell him.

“Who the fuck would try to kidnap the Queen of Hell?No one’sthat crazy. Well, except maybeyou, of course,” he replies with a grin, clearly not understanding what I’ve told him.

“No. They didn’t try to kidnap theQueen of Hell, Xave. They tried to kidnapKenzi Scott.” I now have his full attention. His mouth opens and then closes, his intense gaze is on me, staring at my face like he is trying to pluck the answers he’s seeking straight out of my mind.Yeah, good luck with that. “The dead guy in the playroom told me they were sent my picture with my name and were told to follow, grab, and sedate me until they received further instructions. He was more than happy to spill everything he knew once he finally realised exactly who he was following. They thought they were just after ‘some girl’,” I sneer at this, just the thought of innocent girls being taken enough to get my anger rising again. “Had no idea who I really was. He told me they never would have taken the job had they known.”

“First of all,” he says, “it's more than a little disturbing that you named that room 'The Playroom'. I mean come on, Kenz, what the fuck goes through that twisted little head of yours for you to turn killing into a game?” He looks at me and shakes his head. Probably remembering who I used to be before I became…this. I know he doesn't expect an answer to that though. I know he remembers that night. It was the nightwe bothstarted to become what we are now.

“Second,” he continues, “that guy's guts are all over the floor. Is there a reason you have to make my job harder than it has to be? My guys aren't going to like having to scoop him up.”

I look at him and smile.

“Well, as I said before, that arsehole in there thought they were going after some innocent girl who wouldn't be able to fight back. I told him it was gutless, so I decided to make it his reality,andmade him look like a patchwork doll with the stuffing falling out. It was the perfect visual.”

He puts his head in his hands and shakes it, groaning at my reasoning. When he looks back up, I'm still grinning, and he lets out a small chuckle.

“Fuck, that’s some twisted shit. Okay, let's get back on track here, Kenz. Did you get anything else out of the guy before he died?”

“Nope,” I say, popping the P. “Well, nothing of interest anyway. He didn't know who he was working for, and claimed all communication was done using encrypted email.”

“Right, I can check the cameras to find out where they've been, see if I can find out where they've been staying and anything that might help identify them or their boss. But that still leaves us with more than a few questions. The first one being, do you believe whoever it was that hired these guys really has no idea that Kenzi Scott is the Queen of Hell? You’ve managed to rack up quite a few enemies in the last six years, how certain are we that none of them have managed to find out who you really are?”

“I’ve got no idea, Xave. I mean, itwouldmake more sense, but then why not tell the two stooges? To know who you’re sending someone after andnotgive them a heads up?” I shake my head in disgust, “I believed him when he told me he had no idea who I was. He was all‘how the fuck did I get bested by a tiny girl?’” I drop my voice in my very best arsehole imitation and scoff, which causes him to let out another small chuckle. “Besides, you know how hard we’ve worked over the last six years to make sure I’m invisible. To everyone exceptyou, I’m still that same quiet Kenzi from school. I don’t speak to anyone and I don’t make waves out in public, no matter how badly the demons inside my head want me to. And they really fuckingwantme to, Xave,” I sigh. “That night may have rewired my brain and made me slightly insane, but I know what would happen if word got out about who I really am. And, despite what you may think, Ido nothave a death wish, nor do I want to spend the rest of my life in jail. It’s why I kill anyone who sees me, and why I have to do it in such a fun and gruesome way. It stops people from eventryingto find me. I mean, the pink hair is a dead giveaway, don’t you think?”

He doesn’t acknowledge the blatant sarcasm in my last statement, choosing instead to focus on what we’ve done to ensure my anonymity over the years. He’s done all he can since that night to gain the skills he needs to ensure there’s no evidence linking me to any of the people I’ve killed.

“You’re right. As crazy as you are, you’re still one of the smartest people I know. And as much as it makes sense, there’s no way anyone can link Kenzi Scott to the Queen of Hell, we’ve made sure of it. I would have heardsomething,” he shakes his head and lets out his own sigh. "That makes our job infinitely harder though. If it was one of your enemies, we would at least have a list of names to work from-"

"Oh, oh!" I cut him off excitedly before he can finish. "I could go down the list like the Green Arrow and kill off all the bad guys while trying to find out who was after me. I've got a better name though. I mean, that man is fucking delicious, but the Queen of Hell issomuch more terrifying than the Green Arrow, don't you think? Fuck, Xave! I'm an honest to goodness, motherfucking superhero! Cleaning up the city one bad guy at a time!"

"Kenzi. Can you focus,please?" I look at him and close my mouth, smiling as I mime locking it with an invisible key. "Right, so if it wasn't an enemy that found out yoursecret identity," he says with a smirk, "that leaves us with the question of who would try to kidnap Kenzi Scott."

"Again, I've got no idea. It could be someone trading skin, kidnapping girls in the city to sell. Girls who wouldn't be noticed."

"We've not heard of any other girls going missing, and that doesn't explain the picture with your name and age. Plus no one has even attempted to revive the skin trade in the city since you shut it down by killing Moreno.”

Moreno was a piece of shit and I enjoyed carving him up for his crimes. He traded in skin, sex trafficking and prostitution, the younger the better. He was also one of the people responsible for the insanity that plagued my mind. So it was a fitting end, I thought, when it was the demons born of that insanity that ended him.

It had taken me a year to finally get to him and I had the perfect retribution planned. He traded in skin, so I took his from him.Slowly. I allowed my insanity free reign, I wanted him to witness exactly what he had helped to unleash on that fateful night.

I chuckle to myself as I remember that night. I snuck into his compound killing every man I came across until I finally found him in the huge basement, full of empty cages where he kept all the girls and women he sold. He was shocked to see me standing there at the bottom of the basement stairs, although it could have been the fact that I was a sixteen-year-old girl, dressed all in black with my weapons strapped to my body, a black glittery devil mask covering the top half of my face and my pink hair up in two ponytails splattered with red.

I skinned him alive in strips that night, using a cocktail of drugs to keep him awake and allowing my demons to bathe in his screams. Then I drew out my mark on the floor in the middle of the room with his skin where it could be seen perfectly from the door at the top of the stairs.