Page 44 of Queen of Hell

“Hmm, as tempting as you may think that sounds, it’s really not,” I tell him as I place the tip of the blade down on his sternum. “And that really isn’t how this works.”

“I’m warning you, girl, you won’t like what happens if you don’t listen to me and let me go. You have no idea of the people I know. I can make what’s left of your life a fucking nightmare,” he says sharply, narrowing his eyes at me once more.

“Oh, Joseph, you really don’t seem to understand the situation you’ve found yourself in,” I press the blade down until a bead of blood starts to form on his chest and then press harder until it’s grinding against the bone, my smile wide as I watch his face contort with pain. “Here’s what’s going to happen. I am going to ask you some questions and you are going to answer those questions truthfully.”

“And why the fuck would I do that?” He asks with a sneer.

“Well, how about the fact that you're strapped down to your bed with a knife sticking out of your shoulder, arsehole?” I say, still smiling as I lift the blade from his sternum and knock it against the one in his shoulder, making him grimace. “Now, first question. Who are you getting the girls from? And, remember,” I tell him, hitting the knife in his shoulder again, “Truthful answers only.”

He hisses out another breath, staring up at me, and I know he's wishing he could kill me right now.

“I’m not telling you a fucking thing, bitch!” He spits out as he starts to wriggle again.

“No? Okay,” I say with a grin and a shrug before I slam the blade I’m holding into his other shoulder, laughing when he screams from the pain. I lean over to grab a third knife and hold it in front of his face. “You may want to rethink your answer, Joseph. Now, I’ll ask you again. Who are you getting the girls from?”

“You fucking cunt! I’m going to kill you!” He screams at me, spittle flying from his mouth.

I lean back and slam the third blade into his thigh behind me. He screams again and the giggles get louder in my head as I grab another knife and repeat the process, slamming it into his other thigh as he screams once more.

“Ugh, you’re really not cut out for this game,” I pout as I grab another knife and drag it over his chest. “Come on, Joseph, tell me who you are getting the girls from.”

He says nothing, breathing heavily through the pain of the four knives already sticking out of his limbs and following the path of the one I have in my hand with his eyes as it travels over his chest. I dig the blade into his skin as he watches, blood seeping from the slice I’m making in his skin. He hisses out another breath at the sting but still says nothing. I bring the blade back across his chest, slicing deeper this time, smiling at the grunt he can’t stop from leaving his mouth.

“It really would be better for you to tell me what I want to know, Joseph. This will all be over so quickly for you if you do,” I tell him with a tilt of my head.

He takes a couple of choked breaths and stares up at me, a look of pure hatred on his face. I huff out a chuckle and lightly skim the knife across his chest to his nipple. I start to circle it before lowering the blade and pulling it across his chest quickly, slicing both of the arseholes nipples off before he even has a second to react.

“You must know that there is no way you’re getting out of here alive, right?” I ask him, slicing at his chest as I speak. “You may as well tell me what I want to know.”

“You won’t get a thing out of me, cunt,” he coughs out through laboured breaths as I continue to cut into his chest. “You’ll never get away with this, and when he finds out who you are, you’ll be begging for him to kill you by the time he’s done with you.”

“Oh, would you look at that,” I say as I slice a deep gash diagonally down through the three crosses in the noughts and crosses game I’ve been playing on his chest before I plunge the knife into his stomach. “I win. Shall we play again?” I ask him as his pained screams fill the room and his blood flows down the sides of his body, pooling underneath him and soaking into the sheet.

It’s clear that I’m not going to get anything useful out of this arsehole, so I pull the knife out of his stomach, push myself up and shuffle back a few steps until I am standing just behind the knives sticking out of his thighs. I drop down onto his legs, the move making him scream out again as the knives get jostled. I grab hold of them and twist them in his legs, laughing at his unintelligible screaming.

“When I find out who is behind this,” I say when he finally stops screaming, “What I’ve done to everyone that has come before him will pale in comparison to what I have planned for that cunt. It will be him that will be begging for death and I will be more than happy to grant that wish.”

I lean forward and grab his boxers, pulling them down until his dick is free. I let out a disgusted snort at the sight before me and poke it with the knife in my hand. I was so right in my estimations of this guy.

“Well, as you don’t seem to have any answers for me, I don’t have any more use for you, Joseph,” I tell him with a grin as he looks up at me. “So I say we do something useful with that mouth of yours, shall we?”

I lean forward and grab hold of his shrivelled dick before bringing the knife down and slicing it off in one clean sweep. I jump up as he screams out in agony at the pain and shove it into his mouth, muffling the sound. I laugh as I watch the tears stream down the sides of his face and he stares up at me with pure fear in his eyes, as he sees his death in mine.

“It’s time for you to pay for your sins, Joseph Hamilton. Have fun in hell, I’ll be seeing you there soon enough,” I tell him with a grin as I bring the blade across his throat and watch the life drain from his eyes as he tries and fails to drag in air around the dick in his mouth.

It doesn’t take long for him to become completely lifeless and I swap out the knife in my hand to the smaller one still on the bed, shuffling back slightly and carving my mark into his stomach. Then I pull the knives out of his body and jump off the bed, turning round to look at the dead piece of shit on the bed and allowing the sight of his death to sooth my demons, before bending down and grabbing my phone out of my bag, hitting the call button.

“Hey, baby, are you good?” Xave asks when he picks up.

“Yeah, I’m done here. Send in the clean up. I didn’t get anything useful out of the bastard though, apart from the fact that we’re looking for a man.”

“It’s something, Kenz. I’m sending a team to search the place as well as the clean up team, so there’s nothing more for you to do,” he tells me. “They are just under ten minutes out so grab your stuff and get out of there. We’ll go through anything they can find tomorrow.”

I need to get out of here before the teams get here. They may know who they work for, but they have no idea what I look like, and I wouldn’t want to have to kill them just because I wasn’t gone before they got here and give Xave the extra job of finding new men on top of everything else we’re dealing with right now. I throw the knives into my bags and move to start unbuckling the leather straps.

“Okay, I’m nearly done grabbing everything here. I’ll be back soon and we can go over everything the bastard didn't tell me,” I say with a growl as I stomp my foot and pull the straps towards me to drop them into the bag, hearing Xave chuckle down the line at my mini tantrum.

“Just worry about getting out of there,” he says with a low chuckle. “We’ll find a way to work out that frustration when you get back.”