Page 41 of Queen of Hell

Kenzi wasn’t fazed by his abruptness towards me, and told me to just ignore him, like that wouldeverbe a thing that could actually be done when it came to a man like Xavier Ambrose. Then she grabbed my wrist, and as I relaxed in her hold Xave let out a growl that made me whimper and Kenzi get angry, threatening to hurt him.

But, even as scary as Kenzi is, all that achieved was him promising punishment, and if possible becoming even angrier, before calling me Little One and reminding me of the way we met.

I flop down onto the bed and huff out a breath as I remember how he had spoken about joining us next time.Gods! The images that started playing through my innocent head when I realised what he was talking about were anything but decent, and my fear at my inexperience came to the forefront once again, making me look at Kenzi in panic, as I stumbled for words.

And as Kenzi told him off yet again for making me uncomfortable, he confused me even more by telling me to go to him so that he could be the one to comfort me.

When he pulled me into his lap I stiffened at the contact. I had never sat on a man's lap before and I had no idea what to do, but he just cradled me in his arms and told me to calm my breathing. I had closed my eyes and concentrated on the breaths going in and out of my lungs, and when he called me a good girl I couldn't help but shiver once more at his praise as I finally started to relax.

But then he asked me again why I had come, and when I looked at Kenzi as she told me what she said to him, I knew she hadn’t told him all of it.

I tried to stick to Kenzi’s story, I really did, but I am such a terrible liar, and when he nipped my ear and kissed my hand as he was trying to get answers from me I knew that I was never going to be able to keep anything from him if he continued to treat me like that. Then, when he came close enough to my face that I could feel his breath on my lips and spoke about protecting us and punishing me if I kept things from him that hindered that, I folded like a house of cards in a slight breeze and told him what I knew. So disappointed in myself that I had let Kenzi down once again.

I had waited, expecting his anger at the lie as his arms tightened around me, but he had placed a gentle kiss on my lips that turned my brain to absolute mush and told me to eat something, and I could do nothing but obey as I settled into his hold.

Kenzi, however seemed to enjoy riling him up, like the troublemaker he had accused her of being, and when his hold tightened and he growled out her name making me flinch and look up at her, pleading for her to just tell him, he laid another gentle kiss on my head and whispered in my ear that if I didn’t stop moving in his lap he was going to show me just what having me so close was doing to him, as I felt him hardening underneath me, which had me dropping my gaze and trying to concentrate on my food as my face got hot and he chuckled at my discomfort.

I left them to their conversation, but I couldn’t stop my body’s insane reactions to his continued ministrations, the soothing brush of his fingers on my arm and his breath on my hair every time he placed a kiss there making me shiver and turning me into a puddle of goo in his lap and making me want to curl up and sleep in his arms. I sit back up on the bed, that must have been what happened, I fell asleep and then Xave carried me up to bed.

I sigh as I run my hands over my hair, confused at what I’m thinking and feeling when it comes to Xave. Sure he was pretty abrasive when we first met, and his hot and cold feelings could have given me whiplash, but then, when I was sitting in his lap, he was so gentle and his touch had me feeling things I definitely shouldn’t be feeling, considering what I had been doing with Kenzi just a little while earlier.

I’m also confused about where I stand with Kenzi after yesterday. We hadn’t exactly spoken about what had happened in the kitchen, and she had still been really protective over me last night but, with what happened between the two of them, where the hell do I fit now?

I’m so out of my depth here when it comes to all this, but even I’m not stupid enough to believe she would pick me over Xave. They’ve been best friends for years and Xave’s, well,Xave.

My stomach growls at me aggressively and I decide I can’t put off going downstairs any longer, so I throw on a large jumper with holes in the sleeves to slip my thumbs through, hiding the scars on my arm and make my way downstairs in search of something to eat.

When I walk into the kitchen I find Kenzi sitting at the island drinking a cup of coffee and I stop in my tracks at the doorway as I drop my face to the floor and it heats with both nervousness and embarrassment over everything that happened yesterday.

“U-uh,” I stutter out as I clear my throat. “Um, where’s Xave?” I ask, still looking at my feet as I stand in the doorway.

“He’s upstairs in the office, just working out the last of the details for tonight.”

“Oh,” I say, as my shoulders slump in relief at the fact that I’m not going to have to face him just yet. I hear the scrape of the stool and look up to see her pulling a mug from one of the cupboards and flicking on the kettle.

“Come and sit down, Angel, I’ll make you some tea. Are you hungry? I was just about to order some lunch.”

“U-uh, y-you don’t have to do that, Kenz. I-I’m good,” I tell her, not certain I would be able to eat a thing with all the thoughts and confusion running through my head at the situation I have found myself in when it comes to both Kenzi and Xave. But my stomach has other ideas and I watch Kenzi’s eyes narrow as my stomach growls loudly once more.

“Sit down, Poppy,” she tells me as she grabs her phone off the island to order some food. I shuffle over to the island and take a seat, placing my arms on it and concentrating my gaze on my hands as I start rubbing at my wrist nervously. Within minutes she’s placing a cup of tea in front of me, then she takes a seat and places her own cup down.

“The food will be here in around twenty minutes, that should be enough time for you to tell me what is going on in that head of yours, Poppy,” I whip my head up at her statement ready to tell her I’m fine, unsure how to even put what I’m feeling into words, but she cuts me off before I can even try to lie. “You should never play poker, Angel, you can’t lie for shit,” she says with a small chuckle.

“I’m so sorry about that, Kenz. I really didn’t want to get you into any trouble,” I say with a sigh as I drop my gaze to the cup in front of me.

“Oh, don’t worry about that, Angel. I was going to tell him anyway, but he just makes it so easy to rile him up that I just can’t help myself sometimes,” she says, laughing. “He really needs to learn not to be so serious all the time.”

“What?” I exclaim, whipping my head back up to look at her. “What the hell, Kenz? Why would you make me go through all that if you were only going to tell him anyway. I-I thought we were going to getpunished. Whatever the hellthat’ssupposed to mean,” I say, shaking my head as she continues to smile and laugh next to me.

“Wait, isthatwhat has you so worried?” She asks, her laughter instantly drying up as she looks at me.

“Um… Well, part of it, yes,” I tell her quietly, as I look down again to hide the emotions that are bound to be showing on my face.

“Hey, you know he would never hurt you right?” She says grabbing my hands in hers. “Trust me, Angel, Xave is my best friend and there is no one I would trust your safety with more than him. Besides,” she says as she lifts my chin with one of her hands so I’m seeing the small grin that’s back on her face. “I think he likes you. Actually, Iknowhe likes you.” she tells me in a sing song voice.

“U-uh, I-I don’t think you’re right about that, Kenz,” I tell her, shaking my head so much her hand drops from my chin. “N-not after he… A-and n-now that you two…” I drop my head once again and squeeze my eyes shut, huffing out a breath full of frustration at the fact that I can’t even be brave enough to get the sentence out and find out where I stand now.

“Now that we…Oh,” she says slowly, figuring out where my thoughts were going. She goes to continue, but I cut her off before she can, my spiralling thoughts sending me once again down the road of self-preservation before I can stop myself.