Page 23 of Queen of Hell

“She’s not here to kill you if that’s what you’re thinking, brother,” he says, the smirk on his lips growing. “She said herself that we are going to be spending the year together. She also told you to tell us exactly who she is so that there were norepeats of tonight.” He smiles at me. “That means she’s here to go to school. And I saw the way she was looking at you. She could have found you at any point in the last six years and ended your life, and you know it. Hell, I can guaran-fucking-tee she could have done it today. There is a reason we couldn’t catch her today, Clay, and that reason is you.” Eli always sees what others don’t and dissects the meaning of every conversation. His thing is knowledge and information, so he’s always paying attention to the smallest of things.

“What about all that shit she was saying about the Marks girl? You know, about her being under her protection,” Wyatt says.

“There’s no way that Dean Marks could afford Kenzi’s fee,” I tell him, shaking my head.

“No, there are only one of three reasons that she’s here.” I look at Eli. “One, she’s just here to go to school. We always planned to escape London together, and she’s smart enough to be here. She could have paid her way in if she’s got the right contacts, which I have no doubt of.” I turn my gaze to Wyatt. “Two, she’s here to kill me because I know who she is.”

“No,” Rafe says as I turn to look at him. “Eli’s right about that, at least. She told you to tell us, there’s no way she would have done that if she was planning on killing you.”

“Maybe she just wanted us to know who did it when the body was finally found,” Wyatt says with a shrug and Rafe throws a cushion at him, smacking him straight in the face.

“That brings me to three, and it’s something we’ve not thought about yet,” I say, still looking at Rafe. “Our fathers have found out what we were planning and have brought her here to kill us all.” He nods at me, knowing that if that’s the case then his father would have been the only one out of the four of them with the right connections to do so.

“I’ll see what I can find out this week. The bastard wants me to go home for some business meeting he’s got Wednesday evening. I’ll check his office and if there’s anything to find, I’ll find it.”

“No. My father isn’t smart enough to keep something like that from me, I would have found the information already if they had,” Eli says.

“We need to check to make sure.” I down my glass of whisky and look at each of them again. “I used every contact I have to try and get her on board without being directly involved but it was useless. No one was able to get in touch with her, so I was going to try to contact her myself this weekend. Her being here, without us calling her in, has me suspicious,” I tell them.

“We could use this to our advantage,” Wyatt says. “With her being here at school with us, we can work on getting her on our side. Lay on the charm and shit and we’ll have her eating out of the palm of our hands. She is still a chick, after all.”

I can’t help the stab of jealousy that spears my gut at his statement.

Rafe watches, seeming to know exactly what it does to me when he smirks in my direction. “She’s a little firecracker,” he says, still smirking. “I want to see what she does with all that fire in her eyes when she’s overcome with desire instead of fury, preferably when I’ve got her tied up underneath me.”

“Fuck yeah,” Wyatt groans, and I close my eyes at the visual it creates in my mind. Hair splayed out around her, writhing under us in pleasure as we take her. Giving herself over to the lust I briefly caught in her eyes when we boxed her in earlier. I open my eyes and adjust my hardening cock, shaking my head slightly as if it will help get rid of the images in my mind.

“Our top priority is finding out for sure why she’s here. If it’s just to go to school, we can work on getting her to come around to our way of thinking and proceed with the plan. If it’s for either of the other two reasons…” I trail off, not really knowing where to take that train of thought.

“We either get her on side,” Eli says. “Or we take her out before she gets a chance to do the same to us. Or you.”



When I reach the door to my room I find Poppy sitting down in front of it waiting for me, even though I told her before I left that I would see her before breakfast.

“What are you doing, Poppy? Shouldn’t you be tucked up in bed by now? Or were you planning on just crashing there for the night?”

Her eyes widen slightly as she looks up at me and holds her hand out for me to help her up. I catch sight of a scar on her wrist as I pull her to her feet. The thought of her hurting so badly she resorted to harming herself has my demons rising to the surface and she quickly pulls the sleeve of her pyjama top down to hide it.

“I was waiting for you to get back. I wanted to make sure you were okay.” She looks down at the floor. “I can go if you want. You don’t look like you’re in the mood for company.”

“No, tonight just didn’t go exactly to plan. I need to phone Xave and let him know what went down and you should definitely be here for that conversation. It will save me from having to repeat myself.”

I unlock the door and enter the room heading straight over to my bed and dropping down face first. I let out a scream that is muffled by my duvet, before rolling over and sitting back up. I look over at Poppy who is standing by the door, watching me with a small smile on her lips.

“Feel better now?” she asks with a chuckle.

“Ugh, fuck no. I swear, nothing can go the way I need it to right now, and it’s making me want to fucking stab someone.”

Her eyes go wide at the statement, but instead of acknowledging it she makes her way over to the kettle.

“First things first,” she says as she flicks the switch on and turns to face me. “Did you manage to calm Queenie down enough that we can go to classes tomorrow?”

“Queenie?” I ask her incredulously.

“Well, yeah. I mean, I’ve got to call her something, right?” She says as she turns to get the makings for tea out of the cupboards.