Page 18 of Queen of Hell

“I think you’re lost, little girl,” he says. “This definitely isn’t the place for a tiny thing like you.”

“You had a message from X about me fighting tonight,” I say, completely ignoring what he’s saying.

“You’reX’s fighter?” He starts to laugh, “No fucking way! What the fuck do you think you’re going to be able to do out there? There’s no way you can fight one of my guys!” He looks down at me incredulously.

I’m getting pissed off standing here while he tries to tell me all about how I can’t fight when I really should be getting ready. My fight is next, I timed my arrival so I wasn’t hanging around beforehand.

“I didn’t want to fight one of your guys. I’mgoingto fight two of them, at the same time,” I tell him with my own crazy grin on my face as the giggles start up in my head. “Now, I know for a fact that X paid you twice the entrance fee and told you what I looked like before I made my way down here. So …” I tilt my head and drop my smile. “I would suggest you point me in the direction of my opponents. Unless, of course, you want me to lose my fucking temper and really make a mess.”

“Fuck, whatever, it’s your funeral little girl.” He shakes his head and points towards the ring. “You’re up next, X said you would give us a show, so you better fucking deliver or you’ll never fight here again.”

“Oh, don’t you worry,” I tell him over my shoulder while making my way to the ring. “You’re about to see the best fight of the night.”

I make my way through the cheering crowd and arrive at the ring just as the winner of the fight is being announced. I look up into the ring and see the last fucking person I ever expected to see in a place like this.What the fuck is he doing here?Clay is standing in the ring in only jeans and trainers with blood splattered over the tattoos across his muscular chest and dripping from a cut above his eye. He looks like a fucking Greek god as they announce him as the winner.

No. Bad Kenzi. I think to myself as I tear my eyes from him and look over to the opposite side of the ring where three guys, who I can only assume are the other arseholes, are standing. All three are looking at me with questions clear on their faces, but I have no idea what the fuck that’s about, so I turn my eyes away from them to watch the two guys I’ll be fighting, walk up to the ring.

I turn back to the ring and notice Clay is now standing with his friends, all of them watching me. I ignore them as I make my way into the ring and stand opposite the men I’m fighting. They are huge, both are over six feet, and are built like fucking houses. They look down at me and then cast a look towards the ref who just shrugs. They look at each other and smile, they must think this is going to be an easy win. What a pity I’m going to have to shatter their illusions.This is going to be so much fun.

I hear the giggles start as I look up at the two men and wink.

“Let’s get this party started then shall we, boys?” I say with a smile.

“Are you sure you want to do this, princess?” One of them says to me.

“You could get really hurt,” the other finishes with a grin.

"Are you two sure you don’t want to run home now, instead of embarrassing yourselves by getting your arses handed to you by a tiny woman?” I ask with a savage grin.

I hear a snort of laughter come from where the dickheads stand outside the ring, but I keep my full attention on the giants in front of me as I tip my head in their direction and grin wider in acknowledgement of the sound.

“Fuck, I like ‘em feisty, it makes it so much sweeter when they fight back,” the first one says leering at me. The grin falls from my face at his words as his grows wider, he obviously thinks he’s rattled me.

I shake my head at him as the giggles get louder.You can’t kill them. You can’t kill them. You can’t kill them. I chant to myself. I totallycould, but there are only two rules in this place. No weapons and no killing. It wouldnotbe worth the hassle from the bastard that runs this place.

“You know, you really should have kept your mouth shut, maybe I would have taken it easy on you. But now… now I’m going to make itreallyhurt.”

“You little bitch! I’m gonna show you how I make it hurt!” He roars angrily as they both rush towards me.

This is exactly what I wanted, angry people make mistakes when fighting which will work to my advantage. I drop down and slide between the first guy’s legs, punching him in the dick as I go. I hear him groan and drop to his knees as I come to a stop and jump up laughing.

The second guy looks from his friend to me and then rushes towards me again. I spin to the side as he gets close and then jump onto his back, punching him a few times in his temple and jumping back again before he has time to stop. It’s not enough to do much damage, but it will work towards getting him as worked up as his pervy friend.

The first guy gets back up and the look on his face is murderous. I smile at him and wink, goading him to come at me again and he doesn’t disappoint. I watch as he comes for me. Catching the second guy coming from the other side, I decide to play with them a bit. Xave did promise the owner a show, after all.

I stand in the middle of the ring and as soon as they get close enough I flip backwards so I am no longer in the middle of them. They are going too fast to stop their momentum and crash into each other, sprawling on the floor. I start laughing as I hear cheers and laughter from the crowd. They both jump up and look at each other, probably trying to come up with a plan of attack, while I stand and lean against the ropes, laughing at them.

“What the fuck are you laughing at, you little cunt?” The first guy roars at me. He’s so angry and embarrassed, his face has gone a bright shade of red, which only makes me laugh harder.

“Oh come on, can’t you come up with something better than that? I’ll have you know that thislittle cuntis in high demand, but unfortunately for your shrivelled little dick, I don’t play with nasty old perverts.”

If it was possible for someone’s head to explode from anger alone, I’m sure we would all be covered in his splattered brain matter. To twist the knife a little more, I smirk at him and wink. He completely loses it and runs for me. I turn as he reaches me and let him grab me around my shoulders so my back is to his front. He lets out a triumphant roar and lifts me up so my head is under his and I am dangling off the floor. I hear gasps come from the crowd as he spins me around and the other guy comes stalking towards me. His steps falter slightly when he sees that I’m still smiling but he continues to make his way over.

As he gets close I flip my lower body and kick straight out into his face, hearing a satisfying crunch as the force of the impact breaks his nose. He stumbles back, grabbing his face and shouting out, but I am already in motion again. I flip my lower body again, bringing my legs right over the first guy’s head. His hold loosens at the unexpected move, allowing me to bring myself up and over his head. I grab his face as I go and dig my nails into his eyes, relishing in the scream that comes from his mouth. I let go and jump back, taking a few steps to lean on the ropes, listening to the roars of the crowd as I smile and watch the second guy make his way over to his friend.

“Awww, did I hurt him?” I ask with as much fake sweetness as possible. Those in the crowd close enough to hear me start laughing, and the second guy glares at me as his friend sits in the middle of the ring crying about being blind.

“You fucking little bitch! I’m gonna fuck you up so bad, and when I win, I think I’ll keep you,” he says as he rises to his feet and cracks his knuckles. “I’m gonna have a lot of fun breaking you.”