Chapter Fourteen


I never knew, never even considered what it would be like to watch my mate kiss someone else. If anyone had asked how I’d feel under such circumstances, my reply would have been entirely negative, but watching Sawyer kiss Analise made my heart swell in my chest. I wanted them to love one another, to give each other pleasure. My wolf rumbled in contentment, chasing away any doubts I might have harbored about whether this little wolf was ours. Her prayers to the Goddess had indeed led her to us, where she belonged.

Sawyer’s wolf was making the same sounds as mine, as his kisses deepened. For the moment, I lay back and allowed my two mates to connect. I would have my turn, many turns over our years together, provided she didn’t leave. She wanted it to be her decision, something her own father had tried to steal from her, and when I considered how close she’d come to being forced into that mating, my vision darkened in rage.

We were together in our bed, a place that just a day or so ago had seemed full enough with two of us but now would be partially empty if Analise were to leave it. Our female was covered head to toe in the clothing she’d taken from Sawyer’s closet, but her scent still emerged to wrap around all of us, a floral note twining with Sawyer’s pine and spice and my “sage and sand” as he described it. The fullness of the fragrance permeated the room and sent my cock from hard to rock hard. I wanted to be inside them both. At the same time. And my wolf thought that was a great idea, no matter how impossible it would be for anyone not blessed with two cocks.

Sawyer was still kissing her, granting her wish to move slowly, and her scent strengthened by the moment, her arousal poignant in the darkened room. He and I rarely demonstrated any restraint at all with one another. Our lovemaking could be rough sometimes, and knocking her out of bed would be a poor introduction for our delicate female to our tender bed play.

She placed her hands on his shoulders and allowed him to take full control of the kiss. His lips moved on hers, and I could see the moment when his tongue penetrated her mouth. Her moan punctuated it. Wanting so much to be part of the moment and also not to scare her or make her retreat, I still satisfied myself with enjoying their kisses. But when Analise rolled toward me, arms extended, I took her into my embrace and kissed her firmly. She parted her lips in expectation, but I held back a little until the tip of her tongue lapped at the seam of my lips. Slowly. Carefully. We had our whole lives ahead of us.

I closed my eyes and let my tongue explore her mouth, hers explore mine. Her teeth were even and smooth, her warmth encompassing. The clothes she wore were keeping me from her skin, and I wanted to peel them off and bury my face between her breasts, inhale her heat, suckle her nipples, and learn what would give her pleasure.

I had never been known for my self-control in the bedroom once a bedmate agreed to my advances. Male or female, I’d forged ahead with delight in conquest. But this little wolf was not just someone to play with or even my rough-and-tumble male mate. She’d been gently reared, a princess in her pack, and although she had not said it, her scent told me we would be her first lovers.

Her only lovers. Her mates.

Analise sighed and snuggled closer, linking her arms around my neck and pressing her breasts against my chest. So far, she still wore clothing, no matter how much I wished it to melt away. I reached under the hem of the T-shirt that came nearly to her knees and lifted it slowly, wanting to feel her bare skin, but she tensed and I released the cloth. Kissing her would be enough for tonight, no matter how much I wanted more.

We had a lifetime, Goddess permitting, and I would do nothing to betray her trust. Her father had done enough of that. She lay between two naked males whose wolves were howling at them to complete the mating act and showed no more fear than that slight tension.

I could have her. We could have her, but it would be better to wait. To take our time and let her know we could be trusted. That we cared what she wanted. Cared to let her make the decision to be with us. We were alphas, but part of being in charge of our pack was putting the welfare of others first.

She asked us to go slowly.

She said,I want to know that it’s my decision and not just fate tumbling me into place.

And I wanted that for her, too.