“You’re a good alpha, even when you’re keeping watch over a stranger.”

“Did you see the pain in her eyes?” Tadeo asked. “I’d never want one of our people to feel that way. I’d kill anyone who hurt them that much.”

My throat tight, I dropped to my knees and dared to peek into the room. It was lit by the remaining moonlight, coming and going through the moving clouds, but the sight before me made my heart ache and my throat tight. The two men, the two handsome alphas, lay close together, Sawyer’s head resting on Tadeo’s chest. The darker alpha had his arm over his mate’s shoulders. Their bed was larger than the king-size my parents had shared, the head and footboard made of logs so big, I suspected they had been cut down over a century ago.

This was what finding a mate was all about. Lying in one another’s arms, late at night, sharing concerns, sharing warmth. sharing…a kiss.

Tears blurred my vision.

When their lips parted, they stared into one another’s eyes for a long moment before Sawyer dropped his head onto his mate’s chest again. “You were born to be a father.”

Tadeo kissed the top of Sawyer’s head. “I have everything I need to be happy. Starting with you.”

“But you—”

“Don’t bring it up again. No one has a perfect life, but ours approaches it. If the Goddess means for us to have a child, one will come to us. Until then, we need to be grateful for all her other gifts. It’s greedy to ask for more.”

The moon went behind a cloud, cutting off my view, but when it came back, they were kissing again, and I knew what I had to do. What I had to offer to them in return for their silence. And what I had to offer to someone I’d carry under my heart for nine months. These men had been kind to me, fed me a good meal, and let me sleep in their home before they knew my story.

I might never have a good home to offer a child, but they did. Creeping down the hall toward the living room, I made a decision I hoped I would not regret.

Outside, the storm was worse than ever, and leaving now would be suicidal. I didn’t know where to find shelter, or food. And I’d be killing both myself and my wolf. I returned to the sofa and wrapped the afghan around me. Tomorrow, I’d take a leap of faith.

That these men, who loved one another and had made a home together wanted a baby badly enough to hide me from my father and the others long enough to give them that child. And then to let me go on my way.

If they said no, I didn’t know what I’d do.