Page 9 of Never Settle

“Why not?” He kissed her again, softly sucking on her tongue until shivers ran up and down her arms and legs. “I think it’s been our date most of the evening, anyway.”

“You’re grasping at straws.” Pushing her chair back, she stood. “If you’d like to ask me out for tomorrow, I might say yes. Of course, the only place to go is…here.”

“Tomorrow, I’m tending bar, but I’m free in the evening.”

“Oh great, the bar is opening. That’s somewhere new to go.”

Will approached Earl and threw one of the man’s arms over his shoulder. “Come on, buddy. Time to go home to bed.” He pulled him to his feet. “If you want to stop by the bar tomorrow, we can do something after I close.”

“Will there be anything to do then? Once the bar closes, won’t everything else be closed?”

They started back along the dock to shore, Arabella slowing her steps to stay with the men.

“I thought we could go to my place for something to eat. Maybe dance a little.”

Why not? I’m planning to have a vacation fling anyway. Although if I keep going from guy to guy, I may not find time to actually fling.

“So, dancing at your house?”

“Right. In the garden, under the full moon.”

“Will we turn into vampires or werewolves or anything?” The way this trip was going, she only half joked.

“I can’t promise, but we can try.”

A startled snort of laughter escaped her. “I guess it’s a date, then.”

“It’s a date.” They walked along the beach. Will shifted Earl higher on his shoulder. The man’s eyes were closed, and his feet no longer even shuffled, just dragged along, leaving furrows in the sand. “We’ll drop you off at your gate. Like gentlemen. Right, Earl?”

“He can’t answer you. He’s completely out of it.”

“What a shame. And on a beautiful moonlit night, too. I’m sure he’ll be disappointed to have missed it.”

She tried not to laugh again and encourage his bad behavior. “You don’t set out to get a friend drunk so you can steal his date. It’s not nice.”

“I thought I was helping him get you safely home after he overindulged.”

She stopped and faced him, hands on her hips. “You thought no such thing. You had that waitress…Melissa?...refill his drink when he went to the bathroom.”

Will let his burden slide to the sand at their feet. “He’s a big boy. Nobody bent his elbow and poured those Goombay Smashes down his throat. Or had him change his order to straight shots of tequila.” He shuddered. “We’re lucky he’s not throwing up on our shoes.”

She glanced down. “You’re not wearing shoes.”

“No.” He’d had them on earlier, right? She couldn’t remember noticing.

“I left them back at the restaurant, under the table. Nothing will happen to them before tomorrow. I’m surprised you’re still wearing yours. Doesn’t the sand in them bother you?” Dropping to one knee, he held out his hands. “Give me your foot.”

Why was this so sexy? Swallowing hard, she lifted her foot, and he placed it on his thigh and undid the strap over her instep. Everywhere his fingers brushed nearly burst into flame. Arabella rested a hand on his shoulder for balance when her legs went weak. Will slipped the sandal off and set her bare foot on the sand then her other on his leg and removed that shoe.

While she braced herself, he stroked her sensitive arch and massaged down to her toes then back. Muscles tortured by years of high-heeled everything melted into comfort. And sensual pleasure. Her pulse pounded in her ears, drowning out the sound of the waves rolling up the beach. “I…we should go.”

He tilted his face up. “We should? Why?” The bright moon lit his features, emphasizing the strong bone structure and creating a landscape of light and shadow. “I like it here.”

Why? There had to be a good reason. She just couldn’t remember what it might be. Because standing here, on the beach, with a cool breeze ruffling her skirt and a man devouring her with his gaze while digging strong fingers into a sore spot in her arch pretty well rocked her world. The last of the ever-present headache disappeared. A shuddering sigh escaped her. “I like it here, too. You give a great massage.”

“I do,” he said, closing his hand around her ankle. “Would you like to try one of my full-body specials?”Dear god. What will he think if I have an orgasm from this?

She trembled, tried to still the reaction. “Oh, are you also the resort masseur? I guess everyone has more than one job here. The waitress told me she fills in when the guy in the gift shop takes divers out. Can you fit me in your schedule this week?”