Page 6 of Peter

“I have the most beautiful date ever,” I say looking at her. She tries to look away, but I take her chin and force her to look at me. I know she’s blushing even though her skin tone doesn’t allow it to show.

“Thank you. This limo is nice, I have to make sure to thank your father for this.”

Since I asked Lennox to the Ball I have moved at a snail's pace, and I am ok with that. From the first day she came to school, I have wanted to get to know her, but she was having none of that. Lennox is my wife, and yeah, I know I am young, but I know what I know. The question is can I convince her of that? I guess I’ll find out.

We make it to the venue and the driver parks and comes around to let us out. I get out first and turn around to help Lennox out of the limo. She takes my hand and steps out, and I keep her hand in mine and walk with her to the door of the venue. When we walk in all eyes are on us, and I do not blame them we make a stunning couple, but the star is without a doubt, Lennox. We find our table and sit down, dinner will be served a little later so most people are talking, sitting with friends, or dancing to the music playing. Lennox and I are laughing and talking when someone sit down at our table. It’s Peter and his date.

“Lenny, Richie,” he says.

“Hello, Peter and Emma,” Lennox and I say to them.A few seconds later, Brad and Tracy take a seat at our table too.

After we eat and the dinnerware is removed the music comes on and everyone heads to the dance floor, everyone that is except us.

“What I wouldn’t give to hear Rapper’s Delight or Lady’s Night. But I know this school wouldn’t dare play that kind of music,” she says.

As soon as she says that Off the Wall by Michael Jackson comes on and Peter asks her to dance.


This night is going better than I would have thought, and I am glad I made the decision to come. Richie has been the perfect date and he is looking fly as hell in his tux and the limo his dad got us was dope. When he took my hand to help me out of the limo there was a warmth that went through me that I couldn’t ignore. I wonder if he felt it too. I threw my hands up in the air, snapping my fingers as I danced all the way to the dance floor. I don’t care if they talk about me, my parents spent a lot of money on tonight and I will never have another senior ball, so I was going to enjoy myself.

I am surprised that Peter is actually going to dance in front of people. He rarely dances in front of anyone, but I know he can dance. I am having so much fun I do not realize we’ve danced to several songs until a slow song comes on and Peter pulls me close to him. This is the first time he’s touched me like this, and it feels like someone electrocuted me. I quickly look up at him to see if he’s felt it and he tries to play it off. Although I can tell he felt it too, it’s like something has shifted between us tonight. Before we can really start dancing, someone is tapping Peter on the shoulder.

“Do mind if I cut in?” Richie says.

Peter’s grip on me tightens slowly before he releases me.

“Thanks for the dances, Peter,” I say.

He looks at Richie like he wants to punch him in the face, turns to me and tells me I’m welcome, and walks off the floor back to our table. Peter has been testy with Richie ever since he asked me to the senior ball, and I chalked it up to him not being able to run Richie off like he has run off all the other boys who have tried to talk to me.

I don’t know how many dances later and it’s time for them to serve dessert. I am drinking some water since I have been jamming on the dance floor and I am thirsty. We have dessert and talk about graduation and our plans before it is time to head off to college. We take turns dancing with each other until they literally put us out.

We have to wait a few minutes for the limo, once it pulls up, he doesn’t wait for the driver and opens the door to let me in. He gets in and says something to the driver through the partition and takes his seat across from me. A few seconds later Those are the Breaks blasts through the speakers, and I am dancing in my seat. Richie opens the moonroof and we stand up through the moonroof dancing to Kurtis Blow.


We end up at Lennox’s house instead of going to where the other couples usually end up after the ball. We came in through the back door that led directly into the kitchen. I called my brother once we got there and asked him to bring me my car since the limo was gone for the night. As soon as we walked in the door, she kicked off her shoes, took off her gloves and the pins holding her hair to the side, and let it down. She grabbed a couple of plates and glasses, got a pie out of the refrigerator and the milk. She cut the pie and placed them in a microwave,. Pours us both a glass of milk, once the pies are warm, she grabs them and places them in front of me.

“This smells delicious what kind is it? Pumpkin?” I ask as I look at the orangish-colored pie in front of me. Lennox makes a sound like that was the biggest insult ever.

“Don’t ever insult a southern black woman’s kitchen like that! A pumpkin pie will never, ever be welcome in this house! That is a homemade sweet potato pie and never make that mistake again! I ought to take it from you for even asking that mess!” she says

“I’m sorry, I’m sorry, I’ve never heard of sweet potato pie I’ve only had pumpkin pie,” I tell her as I pick my plate up and out of her reach. The pie smells amazing and if she takes it, I might honestly cry.

“Never heard of sweet potato pie! White boys,” she says shaking her head at me.

I take the fork she gave me and take a bite.

“Oh wow,” I say “This is amazing.” I take another bite, then another, and before I know it my slice is gone, and I am eyeing hers.

“Don’t even think about it,” she says as she takes another bite.

“Your mother is going to kill us,” I say as we look at the empty pie dish.

“Don’t worry about it, I’ll help her make another one tomorrow,” she tells me.

“I’ll be here tomorrow to help, you didn’t eat the pie alone, actually you barely had any,” I tell her. “I better go it’s getting late. I’ll see you tomorrow for baking lessons.”

We get up, straighten the kitchen and she walks me to the backdoor.

“I had a really nice time tonight, Richie, thanks for asking me to go.”

“You’re welcome, I really enjoyed myself too. Good night,” I say as I walk past her out of the door. At the last minute, I stop, turn around take the back of her head, lean in, and kiss her like I have wanted to all night. I make it quick because I know her parents are upstairs waiting for her and walk to my car. I open the door and look back at her barefoot, hair down, lipstick gone, standing in the doorway waiting for me to leave.

“I’ll see you tomorrow. Go back in the house, Lennox,” I say and wait until she closes and locks the door before I get in, start the car, and pull off.