Page 41 of Joseph

“Excuse you! Why is that?”

“Hairkoa, I am sure they are not going to have me doing anything crazy and I will be home early, ok? So, give me a kiss so I can go.” She narrows her eyes at me but gives me a kiss. She cuts her eye at Asher and walks out of the room mumbling.

After dinner we end up at a BDSM dungeon owned by someone Asher knows but he would not elaborate on who that person is. We were a little taken aback that he would know someone who would own a club like this, but it seems to be a really upscale exclusive, members only type of club. It’s beautifully decorated and I am a little surprised to see some of the people that are milling around. There are a lot of upper echelon of Mississippi in here, and I raise my eyebrow at the scene before me as we head up to the top floor rooms to watch the private show Asher had arranged for us. We are all drinking, actually nursing our one drink and watching the entertainment. The show in the room is not as risqué as some of the ones on the lower floor rooms we were able to glimpse at while people were either going in or coming out.

There is a woman tied up on a table in an intricate rope formation and she is blind folded. The man only has on pants and nothing else and he is brushing her hair and pouring warm oil on her skin. Afterwards, he covers some of the skin that has oil on it and leaves other parts exposed. He also uses various instruments on her body like scarves, feathers and roses to provide her different sensations. She is obviously extremely turned on as she strains against the ropes, trying to lean more into the touch that he is providing. She moans and gasps as if she is having one continuous orgasm. It is an interesting form of BDSM, and I am taking mental notes to see if maybe Joyce would be willing to try out some of this with me. We split our attention between the show in front of us and the conversation we have going on. Josh, Peter and Atlas are giving me marriage tips. Jaasiel has a very pretty woman sitting in his lap; she looks like she’s willing to give him anything he asks for and he looks like he’s trying to figure out a nice way to get her off of his lap. Aryan is asleep in his chair clearly not impressed. It really is a nice vibe, and I am grateful my brothers did not get strippers. They have never done much for me; however, the routines they do now,is pure entertainment and athleticism. I cannot believe that in a few short days I am going to be married and to Joyce no less. There were times I didn’t think I would get the chance to take her to dinner, and now we are getting married.

“Ok! The other entertainment has finally arrived!” Asher says.

“What other entertainment?” I say. My stomach balling into knots. Joyce is not going to kill me. But they push me in a room with a stage and I get even more nervous at what is going to happen. They put me right in front of the stage and lock the wheels and walk out leaving me alone. Sonofabitch! I cannot reach the damn secondary locking mechanism so I can wheel myself out of here before Joyce finds out and calls off the wedding. The lights turn down so low it’s like they have practically been turned off, and then music begins to play, and I recognize the song by Ari Lennox Pressure. Before I can yell for one of my brothers to get me out of here, a light skinned woman walks out on the stage with 2 feathered fans in her hand, covering her from face to knee. I know instantly it’s Joyce. I’d know those legs and walk anywhere. There is a seat in the middle of the stage I only notice when she sits down on it. She dances using the chair and feathers to tease me with that scandalous outfit she has on underneath. She is wearing a playgirl pink corset, tap pants, pink rhinestone fishnets, a garter belt and some straight up fuck me against the wall shoes. Her hair is hanging loosely, her make up sexy; the pink eyeshadow highlights her multicolored eyes. She moves like water across the stage, teasing and enticing me. She comes and stands directly in front of me, turns around and bends over only to body roll her way to standing. When she turns back around, I grab her and that is the end of her dance. I really tried to let her finish her dance, but I couldn’t spend another minute not being deep inside of her. Best. Bachelor. Party. EVER!


Today is my bachelorette party and I am so excited to get to hang out with my new expanded family. I grab my bag and head out to the cars that will take us to the airport, and from the airport to a private island in Belize. When T told the ladies what she was planning for my bachelorette party, they told her ok but in Belize, and then it just took on a life of its own from there. The guys don’t really feel comfortable with us staying there all night when we still haven’t tracked down Solo’s abductor, so they will be coming later in the day and staying near us but they won’t intrude on our time together. It is entirely too early to be up and out, but it’s a little under six hours to Belize, and breakfast is for eight am their time, so we have to be on the move. Solo and the brothers come out to see us off. They arranged a private car to take us to the airport. He gives me a kiss and tells me he’ll see me soon as we begin to pile in. We board the private jet Peter provided for us and head to Belize. As soon as we are seated, we all fall asleep.

The mansion is amazing. It’s a gorgeous white stone and glass home right on the beach. It has seventeen bedrooms, nineteen bathrooms, three pools, three roof top patios, a gazebo and plenty of outdoor seating areas. The interior is just as impressive, with a chef’s dream kitchen, several living rooms, a game room, and a movie theater. We take our luggage to our rooms, wash up and head back to the kitchen for breakfast. The private chef made stew chicken, refried beans, flour tortillas, fry jacks, and eggs. He also had more traditional American breakfast foods like bacon, sausage, pancakes, and fruit. We ate until we could barely move; everything was delicious. After breakfast, I surprise everyone with their dresses, reception outfits, jewelry, shoes, and a gift from me to thank them for being here and being involved. I also gave everyone a gift box of Melanique Products. Most are for sale, while some have not been released yet, and I think that might have been the biggest hit. They also loved the custom Hermes Birkin bags I gave them as well. We played a game where everyone there bought lingerie for me based off their personality, and I had to guess who it’s from. One gift was a towel and roller-skates that left me completely confused about who would have given me that and how that was lingerie. Another box had a pillow and nothing else. How is this stuff considered lingerie? Another gift was icy hot.

“Ok guys I give up! How is this stuff lingerie?”

“Tamahine, what we are saying is you don’t need lingerie with the Gideon men. You need after care.” My eyes take a comical shocked expression, and the scream I let out made everyone there burst out laughing.

“Momma B!” I said indignantly.

“Don’t Momma B me, young lady. I didn’t have four of those boys wearing flannel I’ll tell you that! And do I need to remind you of how old I was when I got pregnant with Jabarri?”

“Nope!” we all say in unison and erupt in laughter. We spend the day relaxing with manicures, pedicures, and massages on the beach. The private chef is putting dinner together while the bartender is making us drinks and the DJ is keeping us entertained. At one point we have karaoke and banned Savvy and Skai from participating, but once again Momma B takes the show when she sings Back That Thang Up! complete with the dance, and we all recognize and bow down to the queen. Once the night was coming to an end and things were winding down, we somehow got on the discussion of how we met our significant others. Savvy had us in stitches about how she ran her ass off to get away from Josh, only to run right back into him months later. My heart broke as True told how Atlas found her and how they found healing with each other. T and Angie met through a mutual friend, and Mell and Saint met at school as did Skai and Alayna. We all know Peter and Lennox’s story and Brooklyn, Bree and Megan claim they haven’t met their significant others, but the looks on our faces let them know we call bullshit. But when Momma B tells her story, we are all sitting on the edge of our seats.

“I was tall for my age and for a woman, so basketball seemed like a natural fit, but there was no professional women’s basketball back then; it was mainly a male sport. If it was like it is now back then, I most likely would have played that. But I ended up being a really good volleyball player. When I went to college, I got on the team and my coach suggested trying out for the Olympic team, and I was chosen. When I got there, it was a larger-than-life experience, and I was nervous as hell. When I wasn’t playing, I was watching the other events. My roommate Rebecca asked if I wanted to go watch the men row. They wore these short shorts and tank tops and it showed off their arms and muscles, so I said why not. That day happened to be the day the New Zealand team was competing. They were oddities with their hair and tattoos and that made me curious, so I couldn’t wait to get there. They had bikes for you to ride on the bank to keep up with the boats. When they fired the gun, we took off riding our bikes watching the race as we went. When New Zealand crossed the finish line taking first place, the crowd exploded. They fought hard to win the race and even from the bank we could see the strain on their faces and the sun reflecting off the sweat that was slicing down their faces and bodies.

“We rush over to where they are getting out and all of a sudden, this tall, big, intimidating man unfolds himself to get out and turns his head to look right at me, as if he knew I was there, and I lost my breath. He said something to the guy next to him, never taking his eyes off of me, and began walking my way. He came over to me and proposed! And I said yes. I didn’t even know his name. We spent every second together after that. I went to all his competitions, and he came to mine, and when we weren’t doing that, we were planning our lives together. It was so natural for us. I talk about it now and it sounds crazy and completely unreasonable, but for us it worked. It took three months to get him to the U.S. and the day he came, we applied for our marriage license and were married the very next day. I have not regretted that decision for even a second, and if I had to do it all over again I would, only quicker. We stayed in the U.S. to raise our kids, and I am glad we did, considering that I ended up with my sisters’ children, and once our kids were old enough, we agreed to move to New Zealand. I thought I was never going to get daughters or grandchildren until Savvy came along. Thank you for that by the way. And then True came along and healed my baby’s heart. And my family keeps getting larger and better and I love you all. Joyce welcome to the family.”

By the time Momma B got done, we are all wiping away tears. The guys finally make it to Belize and go to their villa for the night, and the next morning we get on the plane and head back home.