Page 23 of Joseph



Thank God! I think, as I’m rushing to the emergency department. I call Peter so that he can alert the family. He was unconscious when he arrived and had no ID on him, so staff didn’t know who to call but as soon as he was awake and realized where he was, he began asking for me. I am moving so fast I practically skid to a stop on the side of his bed.

“Thank God. Joseph, we have been worried sick! Your brothers have been searching for you around the clock. I called Peter so I am sure they will be here soon. How did you get away?

“I waited until he was gone and crawled until I found a door. Once I got on the other side, I realized I was on the water, so I crawled to the edge and fell in. After that I swam for about a quarter of a mile until I reach a shoreline that had restaurants lining it and dragged myself on shore. I stayed awake long enough to see help coming and I told them which hospital to take me to. The next thing I remember is waking up here. How long was I gone for?”

“That is amazing. Joseph, you’ve been missing for eight weeks. I know they have given you exams and run tests, but is there anything I can do for you or get you while we wait for the family to show up?

“No, I am just glad to be out of there. How did my tests look?”

“You had an extreme amount of drugs in your system. I am surprised you were able to function at all, let alone escape. And even though you are not in any worse shape overall, you are not in the condition you should be right now if you had been in a hospital getting proper care and therapy. You have an extra-long road to go, but the bright side is it could’ve been way worse.”

“I guess I should be grateful to be alive. Whatever work I have to do to get better is what I’ll be doing.”

“What will you do if you don’t get the use of your legs back?” I ask.

“Get my brother to design the baddest, most advanced wheelchair known to man.”

“It would be my honor to do so,” Jabarri says from the doorway. I move out of the way so that the brothers can hug. When they separate, they are both crying, and suddenly the room is full of Gideons.

“So, who do we have to talk to about releasing him?” Aryan asks me.

“Aryan, he needs to be in a hospital. His healing has already been delayed. He can’t afford to be anywhere else. I understand why you don’t want him here, but let’s think about what is best for Joseph.”

“I am thinking of what’s best for him and being somewhere safe is top of the list. We still don’t know who took him, and the hospital's system is easily hackable unlike the system Jabarri has set up at our compound. Make a list of what he needs, and we will provide that for him. I can care for him; I do have a medical license and degree and we can hire a full-time nurse. Any care he needs that cannot be accommodated at our house, we will make sure he gets to and one of us will be with him at all times.”

I stand there flabbergasted. I look at the brothers and no one is saying anything, leading me to believe they all agree with him.

“Peter, talk some sense into them, please. He needs to be in a hospital.”

“Lenny, make the list and go over his immediate needs with Aryan. They are not going to change their minds and frankly I agree with them. This hospital shit the bed when it came to protecting one of their patients and as a result, he has been missing for two months. If that happened to you, I wouldn’t want you here either.”

“Fine.” I blow out a breath because who does this? Aryan and I talk and go over what he is going to need. He hands the list to Asher for him to make the calls to get the equipment needed.

“We need a nurse for him. Do you know if any of the nurses here are looking to make some extra money?” Aryan asks.

“I’m sure there are a few who would love to come and take care of Joseph for free, but I have someone else in mind. But I am not sure how soon she can get here. She might have to find someone to sublet her apartment, you know stuff like that. I can call and see if she is interested if you want.”

“Yeah, can you give her a call now please? I am going to check with Asher to see if he is able to get all the equipment we need.” I nod my understanding and he gets up and walks away. I pull out my phone and place the call.

“Hello, Dr. Anderson! How are you?”

“Hello Brooklyn. How are you doing in Alabama without me?”

“I miss you so much, but I know better than to ask the odds of you coming back when you up there boo’d up with that sexy silver fox.” I let out a startled laugh.

“Girl, you are crazy. Remember before I left you said you might move to Mississippi with me if you could find a good job and a place to stay?”


“Well, I think I found both for you,” I tell her. Even though she is in medical school, she already has her nurse’s license. It was then she realized she does much of the same job as a doctor and thought what the hell and enrolled in medical school.

“Peter’s son has been hurt and they want to take him home to be cared for due to some extraordinary events. His brother and I will be providing his care, but he will also need a full-time nurse. They have an in-law house you will be staying at no cost, and they are providing a generous salary. So, what do you say?”

“It sounds like a dream job. I didn’t enroll for classes next semester so there’s no problem there, but I still have six months to go on my lease and I cannot afford to break it.”