Page 9 of Joseph

“Our parents instilled family in us our whole lives and we’re very close in age, so it was just normal for us, I guess. It may not be for everyone, but it works for us. So how about it, Joyce? Breakfast or dinner?”

“You don’t have to take me out to sleep with me, Joseph. I think I proved I am more than willing to sleep with you.” She smiles at me.

“I thought we could get to know each other more, outside of the bedroom. I like you, Joyce, and I thought the feeling was mutual,” I say, getting a little frustrated.

“I don’t do getting to know Joseph. I like what we have right here. When I am in Mississippi, I can call, and we can make each other feel good. Or if you are in North Carolina, we can hook up, but that’s as far as I go,” she states monotone, and I just look at her like she has grown an extra head. She cannot be serious; I think as I watch her get up from the table and come back holding some papers in her hands.

“Maybe this will explain it better,” she says as she passes them to me.

I take the papers and begin to read them. I have to stop reading a few times to look at her. I blink a few times and go back to reading.

“You don’t really expect me to sign this do you?”

“Yes, every man I have been with has signed it.”

I let out a startled laugh. “Do I look like the other men you’ve been with?”

“Joseph it’s just to protect me and my business. Can you understand that? My business is worth over seven figures and nowadays image can make or break a company. I have never been photographed with any man and no one has even spoken out about me, and all that is because of this contract. As a black woman, we have to work harder, be smarter, and prove that we are qualified to be in the room more than any other demographic on the planet. I have to watch my every move to be taken seriously. But you wouldn’t understand that Mr. Epitome of Privilege,” she snaps out at me.

“No, I wouldn’t know anything about that. You’re right and it is fucked up that as a woman, a black woman, you have to go through anything to prove yourself. Your company, sales and success should be all that matters. I would not dare try to demean or downplay anything you go through at all, but with all due respect, I don’t need anything from you. I can spend your net worth in a day with one phone call and it wouldn’t make a dent in my bank account. Do you know who I am? Did you google me? I do not say this to try to put you down or brag. I say it to simply explain to you I have no motive of wanting to get to know you outside of just really wanting to know you. Look me up,” I tell her, as I push her phone towards her. “I’ll wait.” I can tell the exact moment she sees my net worth. “I just want to date and get to know you, Joyce, that’s it.”

“Your net worth doesn’t change the steps I need to take to protect my company and reputation. Your company is already established; I am still building mine. This is all I have Joseph, and I cannot lose it. Not for you, not for anyone. Please just sign the papers and we can continue what we have here in this hotel room.”

“So basically, I am a walking, talking dildo. I’m good enough to fuck, but not good enough for anything else.”

“I didn’t say that. We can get to know each other within reason. We’ll have time to talk.”

“You didn’t say that, but your actions are. So, we can get to know each other while we are in the hotel room, within the limits laid out in the contract. But outside of that it’s off limits. You call and I come running to fuck, only in hotels like I am a dirty secret!” I am so frustrated and shocked I can barely get my head wrapped around what she is suggesting.

“Joseph please, I already broke my own rule by sleeping with you before I had you sign these papers. Please try to understand.”

“Should I be grateful for that? Am I supposed to be feeling fucking special? I do not know what type of bullshit sorry excuse for men you have had to deal with that would have forced you to have to make this type of fucked up contract and what kind of man that would sign it, but I’m not either.” I stand up, walk into the bedroom and get dressed minus my shirt and walk out of the hotel room without uttering another word, and she lets me.


I knew he was leaving as soon as he got up from the table. It took everything in me to not get up and beg him to stay. To not tear up that fucking contract and take him up on what he was offering, but I refuse to let my emotions get in the way of what I know is best for me. Last time I did that, I lost everything and nearly lost my life too. No, as much as I am attracted to Joseph Solomon Gideon, I will not risk all I have built on a temporary relationship. He didn’t even bother to ask me for his shirt back; he just left shirtless.

Well, that went pretty much like I expected it to, I think as I forced myself to pack to go home. T is probably going to call me an idiot, and she may be right. When I saw his net worth, I just about swallowed my tongue. He’s right; my net worth is nothing compared to his. I’m practically poor compared to him, but it is still my net worth, and I will protect it like it’s just as much as his.

Once I have packed, washed and gotten dressed, I check out and head to the airport. My business with Mr. Bennett is complete for now, and even though my ticket is for later today I will pay the fee to get an earlier flight out. I am ready to get the hell out of Mississippi.